The Truth Under The Moon, To Late?

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To avoid kiling all the humans in the castle I decide to go out. I drove out to the forest where I was sure I could be alone. Away from my troubles I sat on a tall hill, just gazing up at the night sky. The full moon high above me with storm clouds rolling in. Down below a grassy field, and across from me another hill. The burning sensation in my chest was going away, and I was forgetting the reason of my pain. The sound of laughter reached my keen sense of hearing. On the other side of the hill was Peaches and Luke. The sight of her made my cold, dead heart feel warmer; although, technicaly it's not possible. The sight of her with him, made my anger flare up though. I crept through the tall grass of the field, closer towards them.

"You are mine my sweet" I heard him whisperd. It took every ounce of my will power to not kill him right there and then. They sat down and gazed up at the stars while I was plotting. I couldn't believe how happy she looked in his arms. He was just as much of a monster as I was, yet she... she l.... she loved him. The though of her loving him burned my insides. Something didn't feel right about it either. The night was growing older closer to midnight. They stood up, looking each other in the eyes. Lukes eyes full of lust and love, her eyes.... her eyes were starring back cold and empty. 

"Your blood is mine" Luke told her, she nodded her head smiling, but her eyes empty. A single tear rolled down her cheek. Now I understand.

"Offer your blood to me. Let me use it as mine" Luke whispered.

"I-I o-offer" Peaches stuttered.

"Stop! Leave her be" I snarled. A sign of life flickered behind her eyes.

"Peaches hurry up and say it" Luke commanded her. The dullness returned.

"I o-offer my" she continued to say.   "No don't do it Peaches. You don't really love him" I said. 

"Yes she does now back off" Luke snarled. He tackled me to the ground leaving Peaches standing there completely frozen. 

"PEACHES BELONGS TO ME! I LOVE HER AND SHE LOVES ME!" Luke yelled. His fists met my face, as well as couple blows to my stomach. 'When did he get this strong!?' I wondered. I caught a couple of his blows.

"Your completely insane!" I yelled at him, I managed to kick him off of me.

"Peaches say it. Hurry up and say it" Luke commanded her. I tackled Luke to the ground and we rolled down hill on the other side of the hill. I realized there was nothing underneath my head. I looked back to find myself about to fall. Down below was a narrow stream, sharp rocks pointing upwards.

"It's over!" Luke screamed at me. He pushed me off, but I'd managed to grab him. If I was going down so was he. He held onto my leg, my hand holding onto the ledge.

"Josh! Help me I'm going to fall!" he cried.

"We may have been friends once, but you've lost your mind" I said softly. I kicked him hard in the face sending him down to his demise. I hurried back to Peaches. She was mummbling something.

"I offer my blood to you, use it as yours Luke" she was mummbling over and over again.

"Oh no Peaches what have you done?" I asked her. All signs of life had faded from her eyes, but she was still mummbling the same thing.

"Peaches no" I whispered. I pulled her into a hug, something I've never done before. To late, if I had realized Luke had cursed her I could have saved her.

"Damn you Luke" I muttered.

"DAMN YOU!" I yelled. I held Peaches in my arms still. Her mummbling had stopped, but with the curse compete and Luke gone. She was like a zombie, cursed but without anyone to be controled by. 

"I'm so sorry" I whispered. She starred at me with empty eyes. The worse part about this, was I never got a chance to tell her how much I loved her. My lip trembled slightly as I brough my lips to hers. 



Everthing was fuzzy after I muttered the finaly phrase, "I offer my blood to you, use it as yours"

I have to find Luke, I should be able to sense him. But I found myself unable to sense his presense. I tried to move, but nothing worked. It was like my limbs had stopped obeying me. I couldn't see, hear, smell or taste anything. Only one sense worked, I could feel someone with me. My first guess was it was Luke, but it didn't seem right. A burning sensation filled my chest, I wanted Luke, no I needed him. The burning in my that had spread across my body was shrinking, but the pain it brought increased. I wanted to cry out for Luke to help me, but I couldn't move still. The burning stayed with me, and I found myself standing in emptyness. What was that I wondered. Oh... it's just my hand I realized. I chucked softly at myself. I looked up as I floated through the emptyness. I could see something now. Someone crying, and then they kissed the girl, no... they kissed me. Who was that? I wondered this as I tried to see through the haze. I could feel sparks spreading through my lips. Slowly the burning shrunk but the pain stayed with me until it was no more.

"Joshua?" I whispered softly. He pulled away from my lips. 

"Your okay" he whispered. He hugged me tightly. 

"Oww, oww. Your going to crush me" I told him. 

He lessened his hold on my, "Sorry" he said.

"I'm sorry for all this, I should have known Luke was evil" I said.

"Sorry? Wasn't your fault you didn't know. The dude was psyco, and I'm sorry.... sorry for... sorry for being an asshole" Joshua said.

"I accept your apology. Where's Luke?" I asked.

"Dead, fell down to his demise" Joshua said. I pulled away from him and walked over towards the cliff. I stepped back away at the sight of Lukes body lying at the bottom. A sharp, pointy rock jutted out through his stomach. His leg, arm, and neck were twisted at an odd angle.

"You okay?" Joshua asked with concern in his tone. I nodded slowly, trying not to faint from such an unsightly scene. 

"Take me home, and one more thing"  I said.

"Anything" he replied.

"kiss me" I said, he smiled and kissed me. It wasn't forcefull like Lukes, it was gentle and sweet. After that he took me home. I think there's going to be something between us, Joshua and I. Maybe I can be his princess instead. The Vampires Princess.


A week later.... 

With my good hand I twisted my neck back into place, it twisted with a sickening cruch. Next I fixed up my arm. Stickly blood gushed out in streams from wound I'd recieved. I smiled and laughed. What a mess I was! I took a step forwards and collapsed. My leg moved in jerky movements, but I managed to snap it back in place. I stood up and brushed the dirt off my shreded clothes. I started laughing hystericaly at myself. I'm such a hot-mess it was funny. Despite the large hole in my stomach, I was still alive. I'm still alive and that means I'll have my princess, the vampires princess. 


How's that for an ending? Hehe Lukes still alive, Peaches and Joshua are in love, so good ending right? Rate 1-10

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