Like a 100 Piece Puzzle

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Lunch came around and a few people had talked to me, but none had asked me to join them where ever they sat in the lunch room. The lunch room was a large spacious room, and in the center of it was a large, circular counter with diferent sections labled for subsandwhich bar, salad bar, juice bar, and hot-lunch which was provided by the schools food company. The lunch room at my school didn't provide hot-lunch, nor was it as large. Towards the corner of the cafeteria sat Joshua, five other girls who kept side glancing at him and giggleing abnoxiously, and a group of goths and emo's that whispered to one another. I guess I'll sit there I thought. Maybe I'll figure him out. I clutched the small bag that yelld my lunch, a poorboy sub and a can of arizona sweet tea, and walked over. The table behind the table Josh's table was nearly empty. The one side of the table that was nearest to him was completely empty and the other side away from him was crammed full of other people. 

"Hi I'm Peaches, I'm sure you know me from class and all though. Do you mind if I sit here" I asked. He didn't even look up or acknowledge that I was talking to him.

"Um escuse me do you mind if I sit next to you?" I asked reaching out to touch his shoulder. I didn't take notice that goth and emo's fearfull, wide eyes were glued to me.


I lazily continued to drink my special "fruit punch" when something touched my shoulder. With lightning fast reflexes, to fast for a regular humans eye to follow, I whipped around and was about to hiss when I realized it was the new student. 

"What" I snapped at her, she jumped back slightly at my hostility. I could almost smell her fear, yet it didn't give me as much satasfaction as I had wanted, and expected.

"I'm sorry to startle you. I'm Peaches, I'm-"she started to say but I decided to cut her off, "the new student, yeah what ever if you love me or what ever you can join the giggle girls over there" I snapped and pointed at the girls who kept glancing at me. Yeah like I didn't notice I thought rolling my eyes. 

"I um, no that is not it at all I just wanted to know if I could sit here since I'm new to the school. I don't have any friends yet" she explained, her cheeks flushing a deep pink. Errrrrr.... my mind went blank. Well this is new I thought blankly. I shrugged and went back to slurping on my "fruit punch". I wonder if my drink is A postive or B negitive... I thought as I tried to determine what exactly it was.

"Is that fruit punch?" the girl asked.

"No it's not- yeah it's fruit punch" I lied in a slightly sarcastic voice, but she didn't seem to notice. I looked away from her chocolate brown eyes.  

"Is it from the juice bar here?" she asked curiously.

"No" I answered honestly.   "Is it spiked?" she asked. Wow was all I could think.

"Do I look drunk?" I asked her. She bit her lip nervously, "No" she mumbled.

"Do you have a lighter I can barrow" she asked. Wow again, this girl isn't afraid to face danger head on. 

"I'm not a drunk, nor am I addicted to anything" I said. Okay not completely true, I have an adiction to one thing, but you can find out later. 

"Just curious, lots of people like that at my old school" she explained as she took another bite of her sandwhich. 

"Curiousity kills the human" I muttered quietly.

"What was that?" she asked curiously, her mouth full of sandwhich. Darn it, I didn't think she'd hear that. Oh, and ew, any manners? I thought.   "Nothing" I lied through my teeth. She shrugged and conitinued eating. Wow, naive much? 

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