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Name: Maverick Alsoomse John. Benjamin. Edgar. Jones

Status: 6th state to join the Union

Parents: America, England

State Name: Massachusetts

Date of admittance into the Union: February 6, 1788

State Motto: Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem (Latin) By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty

Nicknames: The Bay State, The Pilgrim State, The Puritan State, The Old Colony State, The Baked Bean State, The Codfish State, The Spirit of America, The People's Republic of Massachusetts, Taxachusetts, Old Bay State

Hair Color: Dirty blonde

Hairstyle: Curly yet shaggy with a curl on the right side of his head to represent Cape Cod Bay

Eye Color: Pine green with little specks of amber

Height: 5ft 5 inches

Weight: 135 lbs

Age: 17

Skin tone: Somewhere between being pale with a tan

Weapon: Modified old fashioned hand gun

Clothing: Khaki pants, ink black dress shoes, ivory white dress shirt, unbuttoned Red Socks jersey, midnight black half moon rectangle glasses

Speakable languages: English, Spanish, Spanish Creole, Portuguese, Portuguese Creole, French, Patois, Cajun, Chinese, Italian, French Creole, Russian, Vietnamese, Greek, Polish, Mon-Khmer, Cambodian, German, Arabic

Likes: History, politics, family, baseball, sailing, reading books, fig newtons, spending time with his family, basketball, public parks, reenactments of the Boston Tea Party, celebrating thanksgiving, Boston cream pies

Dislikes: Tea, the New York Yankees, England, people who do not know when to stop talking, being criticized for how his accent sounds to other people, anybody who messes with his family

*He needs glasses since he is nearsighted


I hope you liked Maverick's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

Next Up----> Maryland

On the Bench----> South Carolina

UPDATE: Hope you all don't mind the changes I have made to the Nicknames, Clothing, and Likes parts of Maverick's page.

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