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Name: Marjorie Leon. Jones

Status: 19th state to join the Union

Parents: America, France (Canada is secondary parent)

State Name: Indiana

Date of admittance into the Union: December 11, 1816

State Motto: The Crossroads of America

Nicknames: Hoosier State

Hair Color: Canary yellow

Hairstyle: 20s bob

Eye Color: Persian blue

Height: 6ft 1 ½ inches

Weight: 192 lbs (most of it is muscle)

Age: 16

Skin tone: Tan

Weapon: Inconel wrench

Speakable languages: English, Spanish, Spanish Creole, German, French, Patois, Cajun, Dutch, Pennsylvania Dutch, Afrikaans, Chinese, Polish, Serbo-Croatian, Japanese, Arabic, Czech Slovak, Ukrainian, Korean, Italian, Vietnamese, Greek, Tagalog

Clothing: White and blue striped helmet with a black visor, midnight blue racing suit, black boots, brown fingerless gloves (for racing)/ black sports bra, denim blue shorts, slate gray sweatshirt that is tied around her waist, white socks, heavy duty black work boots, bright orange work gloves (for fixing up cars and other machines)

Likes: Racing, family, good food, football, hockey, baseball, soccer, hanging out with friends, working as an auto mechanic, spending time with her family

Dislikes: England, sitting still for long periods of time, family getting hurt


I hope you liked Marjorie's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

Next Up----> Mississippi

On the Bench----> Illinois

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