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Name: Collin Tim. Zachery. Jones

Status: 38th state to join the Union

Parents: America, Spain

State Name: Colorado

Date of admittance into the Union: August 1, 1876

State Motto: Nil sine numine (Latin) Nothing without providence

Nicknames: Buffalo Plains State, Centennial State, Colorful Colorado, Columbine State, Highest State, Lead State, Mother of Rivers, Rocky Mountain Empire, Rocky Mountain State, Silver State, Ski Country USA, Switzerland of America

Hair Color: Very dark brown with dyed silver tips

Hairstyle: Neat but messy curls

Eye Color: Bright electric blue

Height: 6ft ½ inches

Weight: 190 lbs (hiking and skiing helped with the build up of muscle)

Age: 16

Skin tone: Deep tan (caused by all the time spent outdoors)

Weapon: A custom two barrel hunting rifle with a sniper scope that shoots bullets made of a combination of titanium and celestial bronze

Speakable languages: English, Spanish, Spanish Creole, German, French, Patois, Cajun, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Tagalog, Arabic, Colorado River Numic

Clothing: White helmet with a bright red stripe, a big warm blue, winter coat, graphic rocky mountain t-shirt, thick black pants lined with black wool, dark pine green snow boots, thick tan gloves, knitted gingerbread brown scarf

Likes: Rock climbing, hunting, fishing, kayaking, hiking, skiing, family, good food, spending time with his family, flying in airplanes

Dislikes: Family getting hurt, being in closed spaces for long periods of time

*Collin suffer from very bad anxiety attacks, he will most often run off to the Rocky Mountains for about two whole weeks before coming back down*


I hope you liked Collin's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

Next Up----> North Dakota

On the Bench----> South Dakota

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