South Dakota

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Name: Wambleeska Chayton. Jones

Status: 40th state to join the Union

Parents: America, France (Canada is secondary parent)

State Name: South Dakota

Date of admittance into the Union: November 2, 1889

State Motto: Under God the people rule

Nicknames: The Mount Rushmore State, Sunshine State, Coyote State, Blizzard State, Artesian State, Land of Infinite Plenty, Land of Plenty

Hair Color: Dark blonde with brown highlights

Hairstyle: Straight shoulder length and tied with beads and feathers

Eye Color: Violet-blue

Height: 5ft 8 ½ inches

Weight: 159 lbs (light muscle)

Age: 16

Skin tone: Tan

Weapon: Australian buloke recurve bow reinforced with titanium and damascus steel tipped arrows with a redwood shaft and eagle feathers at the ends, a dagger with a black leather grip wrapped around a handle made of black hills spruce and a blade of stygian iron

Speakable languages: English, German, Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota, Keres, Pima, Yupik, Spanish, Spanish Creole, French, Patois, Cajun, Czech, Slovak, Ukrainian, Amharic, Ibo, Twi, Yoruba, Bantu, Swahili, Somali, Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Serbo-Croatian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Russian, Arabic

Clothing: Tan leather jacket with some turquoise beading on the back, ash gray tank top, light denim blue jeans, umber brown leather work boots

Likes: His twin brother, family, good food, Native American culture, dinosaur fossils, spending time with his family

Dislikes: Family getting hurt


I hope you liked Wambleeska's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

Next Up----> Montana

On the Bench----> Washington

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