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Name: Theodora Abigail. Jones

Status: 16th state to join the Union

Parents: America, Spain (England is secondary parent)

State Name: Tennessee

Date of admittance into the Union: June 1, 1796

State Motto: Agriculture and Commerce

Nicknames: Big Bend State, Butternut State, Hog and Hominy State, The Mother of Southern Statesmen, Volunteer State

Hair Color: Brownish blonde

Hairstyle: Wavy waist length

Eye Color: Dark seafoam

Height: 5ft 6 inches

Weight: 158 lbs

Age: 17

Skin tone: Light tan

Weapon: 6ft tall staff with an eastern orthodox cross at the top

Speakable languages: English, Spanish, Spanish Creole, German, French, Patois, Cajun, Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Arabic, Laotian, Ibo, Twi, Yoruba, Bantu, Swahili, Somali, Japanese, Albanian, Gaelic, Lithuanian, Rumanian, Tagalog, Italian, Greek

Clothing: Mid thigh rose print sundress, a straw colored sun hat with a wide brim, tan wedges, black wrap sunglasses, a quarter sized Tennessee river pearl pendant

Likes: Family, gardening, reading many different types of books, politics, spending time with her family, visiting the Parthenon replica in Nashville with her grandmother

Dislikes: England, being interrupted, family getting hurt


I hope you liked Theodora's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

Next Up----> Ohio

On the Bench----> Louisiana

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