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Name: Catherine Anastasia Braginski-Jones

Status: 49th state to join the Union

Parents: America, Russia

State Name: Alaska

Date of admittance into the Union: January 3, 1959

State Motto: North to the Future

Nicknames: The Last Frontier, Land of the Midnight Sun, The Great Land, Seward's Folly, Seward's Icebox, Russian America, Territory of Baranov, Mainland State, The 49th State, Sourdough State, North Star State, Up Over, Land of the Noonday Moon, Icebergia, Polaris, Walrussia, Johnson's Polar Bear Garden, Snowflake, Sunflower

Hair Color: Light blonde with snow white tips

Hairstyle: Down with a slight curl (the curl at the lower right represents the Aleutian Island chain)

Eye Color: Lavender with silver and pale blue accents

Height: 5ft 11 ½ inches

Weight: 161 lbs (light muscle)

Age: 16 (physically)(Russia found her in 1784 when she was 6)

Skin tone: Light tan

Weapon: A spear with a Sitka Spruce shaft and spearhead made from titanium with a grip made of gingerbread brown leather, a blood stained shovel, a Remington 870. hunting shotgun that is able to shoot bullets made from a combination of steel and celestial bronze

Speakable languages: English, Apache, Cherokee, Choctaw, Dakota, Keres, Pima, Yupik, Inupiaq, Siberian Yupik, Central Alaskan Yup'ik, Alutiiq, Unangax, Dena'ina, Deg Xinag, Holikachuk, Koyukon, Upper Kuskokwim, Gwich'in, Tanana, Upper Tanana, Tanacross, Han, Ahtna, Eyak, Tlingit, Haida, Tsimshian, Spanish, Spanish Creole, Tagalog, Korean, German, Russian, Chamorro, Hawaiian, Ilocano, Indonesian, Samoan, French, Patois, Cajun, Japanese, Chinese

Clothing: An alabaster white scarf, obsidian black fur parka, tan winter coat, pitch black snow boots, dark lilac purple knitted gloves, long sleeve spruce blue shirt hickory brown wool leggings, ash grey wool socks

Likes: Playing in the snow, dogs, her big brother Rykker, sunflowers, her grandma, both dads, warm foods, all three of her aunts, her uncle, sledding, ice fishing, Native American culture, family, spending time with her family, her full grown pet moose named Sammy

Dislikes: Japan, people judging her dad's, people hurting her family


I hope you liked Catherine's little bio piece. Please leave a comment down bellow about the chapter if you like, the comments will help me in deciding what to put up next after the book is done.

And for the final State----> Hawaii

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