twenty one

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Aliza's PoV

I couldn't sleep. That fight with Steve was replaying in my mind and no matter how many sheep I counted, I just couldn't go to sleep. My stomach started grumbling and I just realised how hungry I was. I was planning to go to lunch with Steve but he was acting like an ass and now it was dinner time and I was starving.

I slowly peeled the covers off me and rolled out of bed. I threw a different top on and some jeans before tying my shoelaces and walking out the door. I was trying to untangle my headphones when I heard voices coming from the kitchen, one of which belonged to the man I was trying to avoid. I quickly put my headphones in but didn't play any music.

When I walked through, Clint and Steve both turned to look at me but I kept on walking to the fridge. I bent down to grab a water bottle and shut the door with my foot. I sent a soft smile to Clint but glared at Steve. Clint patted Steve's shoulder before leaving the room.

"Liza. Can we talk?"


"I know you can hear me. Your headphones are in but you usually blast the music so loud that I can hear it and right now, I hear nothing."

"Liza. I'm sorry." I took a sip from my water bottle and made my way towards the door.

"Liza." My headphones were ripped out of my ears.

"Hey!" I took my headphones back and draped them around my neck.

"What, what do you want to talk about? You want to call me stupid and useless again?"

"What? I never said that!" He sputtered out. I rolled my eyes and took a step back.

"That's basically what you said. Whatever, I'm going out." I swivelled on my heel but a strong grip on my hand prevented me from going any further.

"You can't go out. Ultron could grab you again."

"Trust me. It's you guys he wants. You guys are the special ones here, not me. Last time was just to use me as bait because I know all of you. It's not going to happen again."

His eyes softened. "You are special. You're special to me. Listen, I'm sorry for what I said. I was angry that you were spending so much time with Stark because I was jealous."

"Jealous of what?" I asked like a child. Inside my stomach was flipping, expecting and hoping this conversation was going in a certain direction.

"Jealous of losing you. Stark is an amazing guy and I am glad that you've found somebody you can have fun with but I was upset because you weren't spending time with me. You're all I have. You're my best friend Aliza."

Just got friend zoned. Again. Great. There was a pang in my heart and a hollow feeling in my stomach but I smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him out of the room and towards the elevator.

"What are you doing?"

"Like I said, I'm going out. But now, you're coming with me."

"I am? So you forgive me?" He sounded hopeful.

"I always do, don't I? Now, Subway or McDonald's? We could go Subway and I could get a salad, you know be a bit healthy and honestly I do need that. I need to start getting back into my fitness routine and at least join a gym. Or I could forget about that and go McDonald's and have something unhealthy for the last time and start my diet on Monday. But today is Tuesday so that means I would have to wait a whole week but maybe this can be like a cheat week before I start and-"

"How about we get pizza?" He asked but he probably just wanted to stop me rambling.

"Oh my god. Yes! Pizza! How could I forgot about that. Oo can we get extra cheese? And oo can we get sweetcorn? I know you don't like it but we can just get a half and half?"

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