twenty nine

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Aliza's PoV

The first thing I felt was a cold dripping sensation on my face. I furrowed my brows and my eyes twitched open to reveal that I was in the dark. I tried to lift my head up, but it felt so heavy. All at once, I felt the aching in my bones and the lack of energy within me.

Suddenly, a bright light appeared almost blinding me. I quickly brought my hands up to cover my eyes and then felt an electric jolt in my bones, causing them to drop.

I lay, panting on the floor, trying to overcome the pain. Once I finally did, the light wasn't so intense and I could just about make a figure standing in front of me. I tried to reach out, but my fingers were stopped with a glass barrier. I looked around to see that I was in a glass cage, similar to the one from my vision but this one was a lot bigger. It was like the size of a room. During my painful experience with the electricity, I had rolled right up against the glass and my laboured breath was causing fogginess to appear on it.

"Subject has awaken from the water dripping from airway 3. Subject is responding to the electrical shock as expected. Pupils constricted when exposed to bright light but no energy was expelled. Dampeners in place are effective."

He was wearing a lab coat and I noticed he was talking into his wrist, which made me think he had a smart watch on. Maybe if he did, I could contact the team, but I didn't get my hopes up too high.
He was also jotting something down in a notebook.

I finally found the strength to speak but my voice still came out hoarse and scratchy.

"What the hell is this?"

"You'll find out." He answered without even giving me a look.

I huffed and slumped back down to the ground. I closed my eyes and waited for the worst to come.

After the man in the lab coat left, I just layed there, staring at the ceiling and thinking about how the hell I got here. It all started those years ago, with my real mum and dad. Steve said these people are HYDRA, the same people he's been battling since the 1940s, the same people his best friend died because of and the same people who are still trying to take over the world.

It had probably been about two hours, but to me it felt like way longer. I silently pondered a way to get out of here, or at least give anyone any idea of where I am. I hadn't noticed until recently but there were two bracelets clasped on to my hand. As much as I tried, they wouldn't budge and I assumed that these are the dampeners the man was talking about and the source of which they can fry me with. I fiddled with my necklace and was just glad they didn't take this or the ring off me. It was the only thing I had left that connected me to Steve. I unclasped the necklace and slipped off the ring before stuffing them into my pockets. I didn't want anything to happen to them so right now, they're safer hidden away.

Just as I was about to go crazy from boredom, I heard the door outside of my cage open and close. I lifted myself up to come face to face with my biggest fan.

"This seems cosy."

"Why don't you step in and find out?" I growled.

"Ah, it sounds like you're threatening me."

He had a remote in his hand. He held it up and with no remorse in his eyes, pressed a button. Immediately the electricity flowed through me and I slumped on the floor once more. A few minutes later it had passed.

"You might find that you shouldn't do that." He whispered, crouching down to my level.

"Why are you doing this?!" I screamed out with pain.

He looked me in the eyes and I could see the hatred burning in them. "Because you ruined everything. Our family was fine before you came along." He spat out with venom.

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