fifty one

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Aliza's PoV

My eyes stayed glued to the floor as I turned yet another street corner. It had definitely been a few hours but I'm sure Bucky wouldn't mind me getting some fresh air. The idea of getting food was just a ruse to get out of the hotel room that although I had been out of a few times, still felt like I had been confined in for the past week. Everything in there just reminded me of the standstill my life has come to. Not long ago I had a stable as can be job, a family that I've been yearning after for years and the love of my life by my side. Now I have nothing. It was only a matter of time before Bucky would get tired of the heaving between me and Steve and ultimately stay with the man he's known for almost a century.

It was now dark out but that was the only thing that felt right to me at the moment. The sound of the wind whistling and lightly whipping my hair back and forth was chaotically providing me with peace. The streets were empty except for one or two individuals deciding it was a good time to go running. The moon shone bright, lighting up the night sky as well as the path I was walking on. It was as if everything around me was blocked off and all I could see was my two feet moving in front of me. I didn't particularly have a destination in mind but my heart knew where it wanted to go which is why I wasn't that surprised when I came across Central Park. My trainers squelched on the mud as I slowly approached the bench and gently sat down. I stuffed my cold hands in to my pockets and exhaled deeply, my breath forming a soft blue spiral that quickly disappeared. I furrowed my brows at the sight since it had never happened before. I noticed the tingling feeling emerging giving me the urge to want to scratch at my veins. I ignored it as I lay my head back and closed my eyes, trying to find at least some sort of serenity. But when I did, all I see was the man that had been plaguing my dreams since this whole ordeal happened. I groaned and dropped my head in to my hands, softly running my hands through my hair. It was then that I saw my fingers glowing a bright blue, a contrast to the darkened surroundings.

My head tilted in confusion as like my breath, this never happened unless I was angry about something. As the blue intensified, it was as if the breath was knocked out of me and I was left speechless. My vision suddenly changed and a tension grew in the bottom of my stomach. My senses sharpened as I could now hear even the smallest of sounds from around me and smell the stench from the deli I had passed a few streets down. My eyes burned and my vision now had hints of blue just like when I was back at that HYDRA base saving Bucky. The tension was growing but I had no idea why. It was if my body was preparing for something but what? And how did it know before it was even going to happen?

My questions were answered soon enough. As I was sitting on the bench contemplating what the hell was going on, there was sudden explosion that had just occurred from a building in the distance. The impact was so large that even I was flung off the bench. I landed on the concrete and swiftly rubbed the dirt and blood off myself before sprinting straight to the site. The sounds of screams and cries filled the once silent air and now the only smell was that of burning flesh. The closer I got to the building, the worse the smell got and I had to refrain from throwing up or even turning in the other direction. But I couldn't. I needed to help.

As I was running towards the building, now nearly there, others were running away screaming. They were all tripping over each other and trying their best to get away. I helped up a small child who was quickly whisked away by his mother who was shouting for safety. One even grabbed me and tried to pull me with them but I quickly got free and continued. I didn't understand why they were running away with such fear but I was soon going to find out as I was nearing the last corner. Just as I passed it, I skid to a stop and my mouth dropped open.

It was chaos. Windows smashed, cars overturned, a scarce amount of bodies lay on the ground surrounded by blazing fires. Directly in front of me was a 20 feet tall armoured HYDRA agent that was spouting fire from its hands and in to the building that had already been burnt more than enough. There was a large red symbol on the chest which only affirmed its origins. The armour was very similar to the pictures I've seen of Tony's first ever suit now that I come to think of it. But thinking was a luxury I didn't have much time to have. My eyes darted around at the several HYDRA agents that were currently running around the square, shooting down civilians but surprisingly, had not yet come for me yet.

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