Chapter 7 - The Flower Boy's Girlfriend

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Neslyn’s POV


It’s been a few days since the first day, today’s Friday, as the Class President, I have to attend this meeting together with the other officers from different sections to discuss about events happening in our school. Sehunnie as our Class Secretary has to accompany me as well. It actually made me comfortable knowing that I won’t go there on my own.

It has been days since I last saw Xiumin after that scene we saw behind the stage. It’s not like I’m avoiding him or anything, but I just find myself running around whenever I hear someone talk about him. Yeah, I’m still hurting. I didn’t know he had a girlfriend, but who am I to him anyway? I’m just someone he met at the park who-was-stupid-enough-to-forget-her-precious-book and lately entitled as Sehun’s GIRLFRIEND. Ugh, life really hates me way too much. I was taken back to reality when Sehun poked my cheek.

“Hey Nesy~ You’re in a deep thought. I didn’t want to disturb you, but we have to attend the meeting now.” He said with a smile and he pulled my hand and we started walking outside the room.

Of course, all eyes were on us, especially our hands. So yeah, the news spread out the whole campus that Sehun and I are dating, I officially became his Girlfriend when a big-mouth named Luhan announced it at the school ground during lunch time last Tuesday. I didn’t want to hurt Sehun and embarrass him, I just smiled at him and gave a nod which seemed to be a ‘yes’. Then there, I just became the Flower Boy’s Girlfriend in just a blink of an eye.

I know, you guys hate me, but hear me out first. After that announcement made by that jerk Luhan at the school ground, Sehun and I talked privately at the library. He told me that he liked me, I was surprised, but I didn’t want to hurt him and lose such a dear friend, then he asked me to give him a chance and become my boyfriend. The idea was really nice if I liked him in return, but I can’t lie to myself, I know that even though I was hurt by Xiumin, I still like him.

I tried to turn him down without hurting him, but his eyes were pleading to me to give him a chance, how selfish can I be to not give him what he wanted?

He held my hand and said, “Please Nesy, give me chance. I’ll show you I’m worthy of being your boyfriend. I won’t hurt you, I’ll always be here for you. I’ll protect you from anyone who wants to harm you. Give me a chance. Let’s start dating, Nesy.”


I felt relieved at what he said, his words were so assuring and comforting, it feels like I can really trust him. I smiled at him and nodded, I wanted to give him a chance. I wanted to make myself happy and forget the pain I felt from Xiumin, but don’t get me wrong, I still like him. I just have to face reality that he has a girlfriend and that I should move-on and slowly let this feelings go.

Sehun gave me his brightest smile and hugged me tightly, I hugged him back. Yes Neslyn, you’re doing the right thing. You deserve to be happy. After that conversation at the library, Sehun and I became the talk-of-the-town and everyone just won’t leave us alone. Some girls have been giving me death glares and some were really curious about me, I know what they’re thinking though, ‘what the hell Sehun saw in that girl?’ or ‘As if, maybe she just poisoned his mind to date her’. Sigh, fools, some bitches just won’t let me go. But I didn’t get into any trouble, yet. I just ignored them all, fighting won’t give me any good remarks anyway.

Back to reality now, we both stopped at the front door of the room where the meeting will be held. Sehun squeezed my hand and gave me an assuring smile that he’ll just stay by my side. I smiled at him as he opened the door. I really want someone to explain why life really hates me, as Sehun opened the door, Xiumin and Luhan were the first to see us, and to make matters worse, we’re the first ones to arrive there. I did such a good job from hiding from both of them. Yes, both of them. Xiumin because he’s my unrequited first love and Luhan cause obviously he would keep teasing me about my relationship with Sehun. I seriously hate my life.

“Ohhhh~ Maknae~ If it isn’t the Love Birds, or school’s Romeo and Juliet, hahaha” Luhan teased. See what I mean?

“Ahh hyung! Why do always have to tease us!” Sehun said.

“Well, it’s fun to tease or Maknae, and Nesy here is so cute to tease as well” he replied with an evil grin.

I smiled at him sarcastically then frowned, I looked away from his face only to find out that Xiumin was staring at me. Our eyes met, I tried to smile but he suddenly looked away. What?! Why?! I haven’t done anything wrong to him! I felt that I was being stabbed by his coldness. Why are you doing this to me Xiumin? What have I done wrong? :’((

Sehun broke the silence of the room.

“Lulu hyung, only I can call her Nesy, you should call her Neslyn. She’s my girlfriend and I gave her that nickname.” He said. Wow, talk about being possessive.

“Ohhh~ Our Maknae is being possessive, hahah. Okay, then Neslyn it is.” Luhan said while grinning.

“Umin hyung, you haven’t met Nesy personally right?” Sehun asked. No Sehunnie!! You shouldn’t say that! Let’s not get him involved with me anymore! TT-TT

He smirked and faced us, “Yeah, I haven’t. I’ve seen her before but not really got her name. We saw you guys hugging back then, we couldn’t interrupt.”


His words were piercing my heart, it was really painful. Is he really the Xiumin I met before? :((

Wait, what?! He saw us hugging?! When was that?! When Sehun saved me?! Then maybe that’s the reason why they thought were dating?!

This is all a misunderstanding!! Ugh, seriously, Life, I hate you too.


[A/N: Surprised at the turn of events?

Don’t worry, me too XDD


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2014 ⏰

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