♡the original chapters: 1-20♡

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hey y'all!! thank you so much for reading hidden hearts!! as a thank you (and a bonus), i want to share with you the original version of this story. it's borderline awful so i apologize for my edgy-ness i possessed a couple years ago. i hope everyone is staying safe, and without further ado, "enjoy" the original version of hidden hearts!!

Chapter 1

first it was swirls, then tiny little hearts. they seemed to dance across the boy's forearm. brendon was getting tired of simple doodles. he wanted to talk to his soulmate.

he had a sudden burst of confidence, so he grabbed a wet rag and wiped off the drawings, causing them to disappear on his arm and his soulmate's. when they started writing on themselves, it never involved words. he was making the first move. brendon grabbed a green gel pen and took off the cap. he placed the tip on the back of his hand. in green letters, he spelled out, a/s/l?

his soulmate wrote in a blue sharpie with messy scrawl underneath brendon's writing, 18, boy, vegas. a/s/l?

brendon smiled at himself. at least whoever this boy was didn't ignore him. his best friend patrick's soulmate ignored him when he had written anything. brendon took an orange gel pen and wrote on his forearm, 17, boy, vegas. guess we might see each other around.

the older boy responded, maybe.

well, i have to go finish some homework. ttyl, brendon scribbled back. when he got a response of, bye for now, from his soulmate, he wiped off his arm with the same rag, making sure to scrub hard enough to remove the sharpie and pen.

when he was doing his english homework, the older boy was drawing different flowers in different colors on his left arm. once brendon's soulmate finished the doodles, a text came through his phone five minutes later.

ryan ross the douchebag: don't fucking talk to me i'm actually in a good mood for once

brendon: why do you still have my number and why are you talking to me, shithead

ryan ross the douchebag: because i do and i doubt you want me to bash your face in again, so i suggest to shut the hell up

brendon: last time i checked i whooped your ass

brendon turned off his phone and proceeded to go to sleep.

his soulmate continued to draw on him far into the night.

Chapter 2

brendon woke up, not wanting to leave his comforting bed. he reluctantly got up, having only ten minutes to get ready for school. when he reached in front of himself to pull off the covers, he was stunned. pink, purple, and yellow flowers were plastered all over his arms and legs, and dark green vines were connecting each of them together. there was a rumor going around his school that he was gay, and he didn't need all of this supporting it.

even though the rumor was true.

brendon quickly hopped out of his bed and made a beeline to a bathroom in his house that wasn't being occupied. he quickly stripped of his t-shirt and boxers and jumped into the, currently cold, shower. he had no time to waste, so he vigorously scrubbed the plant life off of his skin.

he got out and looked at himself, his arms and legs were red from the scrubbing. this is the worst his soulmate has ever done to him. he rushes into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and quickly grabbed clothes that would cover his limbs. it was still late summer, but brendon didn't care. he threw on a pair of boxers and skinny jeans, and a dark blue shirt and a leather jacket. he grabbed his glasses and put them on his face while he picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulders. he walked out of his room, taking his phone with him. he snatched a pen that was lying on the kitchen counter, and he checked his phone.

hidden hearts ♡ ryden {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now