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Brendon sat hunched on his bed on Saturday afternoon, twirling a pen in his fingers. He really needed to talk to Ryan. The dream wasn't enough. They needed to talk about what they did together. They had to stop avoiding each other.

Tapping his pen on his chin, he thought about what to write without coming off too harsh or hostile. We need to talk. Wanna meet somewhere? Brendon really could overthink things.

Not long after, Ryan wrote back under Brendon's proposition on their arms in a messy scrawl. yes. @ yours?

Brendon let out a long sigh of relief and scribbled back a, sure, while also providing his address.

be there in a few.

The raven pulled himself off of his bed and went across the hall to the bathroom. He washed off their writing for them under the cold water from the tap. Drying his forearm on a towel, he caught a glimpse of his tired complexion in the mirror. He got nine hours last night, but it didn't make up for his lack of sleep over the past week. He lost a lot of sleep before his and Ryan's shared dream, after the date, and those weeks were the longest, most tiring weeks of his life.

Brendon ran his hands through his hair before leaving the bathroom and going downstairs into the living room. He spotted his parents sitting on the couch, so he walked over to them. "Hey, uh, I invited Ryan over. Please don't be weird. And he won't hurt me. We got past that after the whole dream thing."

"Oh, okay," Grace said, turning to face her son. "Are you going to talk about your dream with him?"

"Yeah, we'll be in my room, so-" Brendon stopped when he saw both of his parents with their eyebrows raised. "Nothing weird is going to happen, okay? We're just going to talk about what happened. Nothing more." His parents still looked at him with that look on their faces. "Stop looking at me like that!"

Boyd and Grace looked at each other and started to laugh. "We're just looking out for you. We don't need you, uh, contracting something," Boyd said.

"Dad!" Brendon groaned.

"Just telling you the truth," he shrugged. "Now-" Boyd was cut off by the doorbell ringing.

"Thank God," Brendon muttered as he went to open the front door. Brendon noticed Ryan bouncing nervously on the balls of his feet before the latter looked up at the former.

"Hi," Ryan said shyly when he looked up at Brendon. He stopped bouncing on his feet.

"Hey," Brendon breathed, eyes taking in all of Ryan.

"Are you going to let me in?" Ryan smirked after standing outside for around a minute.

"Oh, yeah, sorry," Brendon apologized as he stepped out of the way to let his soulmate in, closing the door behind them.

"Hello, Ryan!" Grace called from the living room

"Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Urie," Ryan greeted tentatively. Ryan and Brendon both walked over to the living room.

"Please, call us Grace and Boyd," she told him.

"Oh, okay."

"And now we're going upstairs," Brendon segued, grabbing Ryan's wrist and pulling him up the stairs and into his room. He shut the door behind them and he turned around to face Ryan. "Sorry about that, they-"

"It's not a big deal," Ryan smiled. "My parents probably would have done the same thing." His smile slowly started to morph into a frown, but he shook it off before Brendon could ask any questions.

"So anyway," Brendon started awkwardly, "we really did dream together?"

"Yeah." He took a few steps towards the shorter boy. "Look, I want to properly apologize for my behavior. I was really blowing things out of proportion. I finally started to understand and process everything once you told me that you were just late. I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize."

hidden hearts ♡ ryden {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now