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Brendon and his friends arrived at school on Monday. On the walk over, Nicole and Patrick both said that Brendon looked dead inside.

He sure as hell felt that way.

When he got to school, he stopped at his locker. He mechanically put his backpack in it and grabbed all of the things he needed for the first half of the school day. He closed his locker with one hand, his left hand clutching onto his things. He turned around and jumped because his tall friend stood behind him.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Dallon apologized, a small smile on his lips.

Brendon simply brushed off his apology and responded, “What do you want, Dallon?”

“Can we talk about what happened Friday?” the giraffe asked sheepishly.

“Yeah, just,” Brendon sighed, “hurry up.”

Dallon nodded in understanding. “Okay, well, look, I’m sorry about what I did Friday. It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have done it. Can we still be friends?” he asked, sincerity dripping from his words.

Brendon smiled, which was his first smile since Saturday. He couldn’t be mad at Dallon. He was too nice and always earnest, not to mention loyal and charismatic. He was the guy everyone adored. Brendon couldn’t stay mad at that.

“Yeah, just don’t do it again. I don’t need my emotions to be torn up any more than they already are.”

“Oh?” Dallon said in an asking manner as if he’d like to know what Brendon’s problem was.


The warning bell rang, signifying they had two minutes to get to their homeroom. They bid each other farewell and went their separate ways.

Brendon attended all of his classes, some in which Ryan were in, but they were all dull. The classes just dragged on as if they would never end. As ironic as it sounds, the classes were only tolerable in the past because Ryan inhabited them. It drove Brendon insane that they didn’t embark in their usual “pugnacious” banter. He just wished Ryan would talk to him again, wished he could explain himself, wished he could make everything okay again.

Brendon started to leave school without his friends until all of them, including Awsten, caught up to him. Brendon eyed his three companions before ignoring them and continuing to walk on ahead of them. They all shared a glance before jogging up to him.

“C’mon, man, we gotta cheer you up,” Awsten whined, nudging Brendon with his shoulder.

Brendon pretended to not hear him.

“Bren, we know you’re upset, but stop wallowing in sadness. Let’s go do something,” Nicole suggested.

Brendon continued to ignore his friends.

“Dammit, Brendon, step the fuck up and be the bigger person here. Don’t let him get into your head. I told you to wait it out, and now you’re just drowning in sadness. Step your goddamn pussy up!” Patrick shouted.

It was really hard for Brendon to ignore that.

“Jesus Christ!” he laughed. “I’ve never seen you get so made that you curse and resort in quoting vines.”

“Well, you’ve gotta be somebody. Suck a dick,” Patrick shrugged.

The group of teenagers started to laugh uncontrollably.

“Oh my God, I’m imagining you as a drag queen like in the vine,” Nicole chuckled. “I can’t even!”

“I try,” Patrick smiled, taking his fedora off and bowing a little before putting it back on his head.

Brendon didn’t notice how long this went on because they all reached Brendon’s house.

“Are you guys coming in or not?” he asked his friends.

“Yeah,” they said in unison.

When they made it up to Brendon’s room and set their stuff down, Awsten jumped up off of the ground from where he was sitting.

“Shit! I forgot my car in the school parking lot! Be right back!” he exclaimed dashing out of the room.

“How does someone forget their car?” Patrick mumbled.

Brendon ran out behind him but stopped at the top of the steps. “Wait! Awsten!”

“What?” the grape haired boy called back.

“There’s only one race! The human race!”

“What about Nascar?” Awsten yelled back before slamming the door behind him as he left.

A/N: Thank you so much on 1k reads on the rewrite!! It really means a lot to me that this fic was able to reach the amount of reads it had previously.

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