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Brendon awoke the next morning with arms around his waist and his legs tangled with someone else's. He slowly opened his eyes to see Ryan's sleeping face in front of him. The elder's pale face was probably as relaxed as it could get with every one of his features at ease. Brendon smiled to himself, not just because of the pretty boy that was resting in front of him, but because he remembered that this was how they fell asleep the night before, meaning they slept like this for the entire night in each other's embrace.

The peacefulness of the situation, however, was broken by a shrill, piercing ringtone that cut through the silence like a knife.

Beside Brendon, Ryan made a groggy noise that didn't sound like anything coherent, and he hesitantly unwrapped his arms from around Brendon. The raven, who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, frowned at the loss of warmth so he pushed himself up to see what was happening. The deep, scratchy voice immediately drew Brendon's attention towards Ryan's hunched figure. The latter's back was exposed, courtesy of the events from the night before, and his legs hung from the edge of the bed to touch the ground.

"Brendon's... I know, I know, I'm sorry... No! We didn't... Okay, fine... Be there soon... Bye, Mom, love you too." SIghing, Ryan set his phone down on Brendon's nightstand, and he turned around, rubbing his tired face, to meet Brendon's curious gaze. "Hey, sorry for waking you up."

Scooting closer to his soulmate, Brendon responded, smiling softly. "S'fine, I was already awake." Brendon placed a small kiss on Ryan's lips. "But d'ya have to go?" he asked, pouting.

Ryan looked at Brendon's plump lips before moving his fixed stare to the latter's eyes. "I'm sorry, but my parents want me home, especially because I didn't tell them I was coming here last night."

Brendon frowned before smirking. "You wanna finish what we started?"

"We don't have time," Ryan smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Not even enough time for a quickie?"

"Brendon," Ryan said sternly, "I don't want to have my first time be some quick fuck, okay?" Ryan's mood had suddenly shifted from being easy going to irritable and bitter.

Brendon shrunk back with a dejected look on his face, instantly regretting his words, not knowing that was how his soulmate was going to react. "Sorry, it's just ever since you said that you adored me, I-" Ryan's face instantly paled, becoming a scary shade of white, and his eyes widened as he looked away from Brendon's stare. "Ryan? Are you okay? Fuck, just forget I said anything I-"

"You- you heard me?" he stammered, hesitantly looking back at Brendon. "I-I didn't think you did, I thought you were asleep..."

"But I wasn't," he confirmed. "I don't know why you're ashamed of saying it, considering I adore you too."

Ryan's growing smile started to match the one that was on Brendon's face. "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"But- but I fucked you over so many times and I-"

"Ryan, please. What did I tell you about belittling yourself?" He paused and stared into Ryan's eyes. "Just accept my honesty, dammit," he grinned.

In response, Ryan pounced on top of Brendon, his knees on either side of the younger's hips, and kissed him deeply, Brendon feeling every ounce of passion behind it. He pulled away after a few moments, much to his, and Ryan's, disappointment. "I thought you had to go?"

Ryan sighed, kissing the corner of Brendon's mouth before pulling himself off of the boy underneath him. "Yeah, you're right." He quickly got off of the bed to fetch his clothes that were piled on the floor, then proceeded to put them on. "Oh, you might want to find a way to cover up your neck for the next week or so," he suggested, buttoning up his black shirt.

"You didn't..." Brendon trailed off, subconsciously raising one of his hands to his neck.

"Oh, but I did," Ryan smirked, walking back over to the shirtless boy on the bed. He pressed a lingering kiss to Brendon's lips before pulling away to grab his phone.

"I hate you!" Brendon called playfully, crossing his arms as Ryan opened the bedroom door to leave.

"Sure," Ryan drawled before he exited the room, and soon, Brendon's home.

Brendon sat back on his bed before coming to a scary realization that, fuck, he was starting to fall in love with his old enemy.

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