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Don't play the song yet.

He was so ready for this evening.

He had looked at himself in the mirror several times and finally decided that this look was the best. He had other outfits in mind, but he wasn't sure if they were too dressy or too casual, so he scrapped those ideas completely.

He adorned black skinny jeans with a black belt, along with a gray, long-sleeved shirt. He had slipped on a pair of black Converse, yet he wasn't totally satisfied on his appearance. He looked around until he spotted a headband that was lying on his dresser. He picked it up and slipped it on under his hair, looking at himself in the mirror.

Now this was the best way to go on a date with the one and only Brendon Urie.

Ryan left his room and walked out into the kitchen, walking over to the door on the wall opposite him to grab his keys off of the hook next to it. He had his hand on the handle when his mom asked from behind him, "Where are you going?"

Ryan jumped and his anxiety levels spiked. He didn't tell his mom. She doesn't know that he's going on a date. She doesn't know it's with his soulmate. She doesn't know it's with a boy. She doesn't know his soulmate is a boy. She doesn't know he can't tell her there's no way she'd kick him out he'd be a disgrace to the family he would have no family she doesn't know she doesn't know she doesn't know shedoesn'tknowshedoesn'tknowshedoesn'tknow.

"Honey?" she asked, pulling him back into the real world.

Ryan's palms became sweaty in his bout of panic, so he wiped the moisture on his jeans. "I'm, uh, going on a date," he mumbled slowly.

"You found your soulmate already?" Ryan's parents had a thing about only associating yourself romantically with your soulmate.

Ryan simply nodded. "Alright, well, make sure you do something nice for her," Danielle smiled softly.

"Bye, mom," he muttered, pulling the door open and stepping out into the chilly breeze. He walked out to his Toyota Camery that was parked on the gravel driveway and unlocked it, hopping inside then closing the door. He put his car into gear and headed over to the pizzeria.

As he got closer, he gripped the steering wheel so tight his knuckles turned white. His breathing started to pick up, almost at the point where he was close to hyperventilating. He can't pass out he can't pass out must keep going keep going he's almost there he's almost-

Ryan pulled in a spot along the side of the street and parked there.

That was going to be a bitch to get out of.

But never mind that, he noticed that he parked in front of a flower shop. How had he not noticed it before? It's perfect!

Play the song. It's Lucky People by Waterparks

Swallowing his nerves, he walked into the shop in search of the perfect bouquet of flowers. When Brendon had first written to him, he had begun studying the meaning of certain flowers for a moment like this. He finally did something right for once.

Ryan spent so much time wandering throughout the flowers that an employee approached him.

"Do you need help finding anything?" the blue-eyed boy asked Ryan, causing him to jump.

"Jeez! You scared me!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, sorry," the boy apologized. "Looking for something in particular?"

"Um, well, do you have red and white tulips?" Ryan asked.

The blue-eyed boy nodded. "We should, let me go check." He stalked off and soon came back with two bouquets of tulips, one red and one white. "Are these okay?" he asked.

Ryan tapped one of his fingers on his chin. "Do you mind if I take five red tulips and a white one?" he asked.

Red for love, white for apologies.

The boy shook his head. "Not at all. Mind following me to get these paid for?" He walked off without an answer, but Ryan caught up to him to the cash register. The boy punched in a few numbers as Ryan fished his wallet out of his back pocket. "That'll be four dollars and fifty cents," the boy tells him.

Ryan pulls a five out of his pocket and hands it to the boy. "Thanks," he looked at his name tag, "Geoff."

The boy, Geoff, smiled. "No problem! Hopefully your love will accept your apology," he winked as Ryan walked out of the shop.

Ryan really hoped so too.

He made his way across the street to the pizzeria, opening the door and stepping inside. Striding to the hostess with flowers in hand, he asked, "Has anyone come in yet waiting for another person?"

"No, I'm sorry. Would you like me to go ahead and seat you?" she asked with a small smile.

"Uh, yeah, sure," he nodded. He followed her and sat down in the booth he was led to.

"Here you go," she said, setting down the menus. "Your waiter will be with you shortly." With that, she smiled and walked off back to the front of the restaurant.

Ryan was five minutes early, thank goodness, so Brendon would be there soon.


The waiter came to the table once five minutes had passed, but Ryan politely shooed him off. He had set the tulips in between the wall and his, currently, bouncing leg. Brendon should be here soon. Definitely. For sure.


Thirty minutes passed.

Brendon still hadn't shown up.

Tears had welled up in Ryan's eyes but he blinked them away. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't.

The waiter returned after he had been sent away three other times. "Still waiting?" he asked.

Ryan took a deep breath and exhaled heavily, "I, I'm done waiting. Hey, uh, do you have a pen?" The waiter nodded, pulling it out of a pocket and handing it to the boy. "Thank you."

Ryan pulled a napkin out of the dispenser and angrily wrote a note on it. "If anyone comes in looking for a 'Ryan Ross', please leave everything on the table and bring him here." He gave the waiter his pen back while setting the tulips on the table on top of the note. He also pulled a ten dollar bill out of his wallet and handed to the waiter.

"Thanks!" he called, getting out of the booth and leaving the restaurant. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" he muttered racing to his car and climbing inside. He spent an excruciatingly long amount of time to get out of his parking space (parallel parking is a bitch). Ryan sped home, trying to deal with all of the emotions swirling inside him.

He wanted to scream. He wanted to cry. He wanted to yell. He wanted to sob.

He wanted Brendon.

Ryan soon drove and parked in his driveway, but he didn't get out. Instead, he hit his head several times on the wheel and broke down.

"God fucking dammit!" he cried, tears trickling down his face and dripping onto his jeans like icicles melting on a warm winter day. He curled and uncurled his hands. Tight. Loose. Tight. Loose.

He pulled himself off of the steering wheel and reached over and opened the center console. He blindly dug around until he found it. He took the cap off and held his left forearm out. As he was writing, the red ink was bleeding and filling the small crevices in his skin. Capping the marker, he threw it back in the console and stared at his words.

You asshole.

A/N: Ryan's POV will be rare, I'll probably use it once more in the future.

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