Chapter 16 // Kimono

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The Emperor's eyes widened in shock, a shout pushing past his lips. He started taking his shirt his off since going to rescue her with that on would lead to a certain death. The sash wouldn't loosen and in frustration, the Emperor ripped it open, yanking his shirt off, the many layers tumbling to the floor.

The Emperor dived in the water. He pressed his arms to his side to go faster. Through the hazy water he could see the shape of Aiko's struggling body.
He moved his arms and legs frantically towards her. He could see the light leaving her eyes. Bubbles floated upwards from his nose.

He finally managed to grab Aiko's floating hand. The Emperor pulled her close to him. He kicked his legs, until the couple broke the surface of the calm water. Water cascaded over the side of their heads. Aiko's eyes filled with tears. Her life had been about to slip out of her grasp. She coughed up water and spat it out. The Emperor grabbed the edge of the spring and pulled himself and Aiko out of the water.

Aiko realized, through her tear- filled eyes, that the Emperor was muscular and strong. Aiko toppled to the ground, she breathed in the rich sent of air. The Emperor felt his heart calm down as he saw Aiko, soaking and dripping wet, a hand on her chest and coughing, but alive.

Aiko lifted her terrified gaze; she looked at the Emperor. She started to move, trembling to bow down and thank her.

The Emperor stopped her, his wet hands on hers. "You don't need to thank me. The show you're giving me is enough," He chuckled heavily, glancing at her body, her kimono sticking close to her skin. Aiko nodded, not being able to fight back. She then fell on her back.

Finally, the cold around them started to make itself noticed. Aiko started shivering. The Emperor picked her up in his arms as Aiko protested softly. As soon as he was inside he put her down and closed the screen doors behind him.

"Aiko, before I leave this room and wait for you to change, I want you to know, that at any moment, my sister will ask you to meet her." He said, suddenly, his voice darker than usual. Aiko looked at him, dripping on the tatami. "If that happens, do not worry. Don't you dare try and insult her. Your "special treatment" has to be reserved for me. She'll kill you if you do." He hissed.

Aiko nodded meekly, too tired to say anything else. Although she did want to seem her usual self, so she hissed a, "Whatever." The Emperor's gaze hardened. He left the room, throwing the kimono towards her.
She caught it. Her eyes widened as she saw the kimono. "Amazing..." She muttered, her soft hand passing over the fabric.

The Emperor had ordered a maid to bring him a new shirt and put it on. He waited. And waited. He started to get impatient, wanting to walk inside. After a while of waiting outside, maids coming in and out, a maid opened the door for him.

"Took you long enough," The Emperor said, stepping inside. His eyes widened. His jaw almost  dropped.

Aiko was looking at him. Her hair was full of ornaments. Some large some small. All richly decorated, and hand made. They all tingled while grazing each other. Aiko was wearing the kimono the Emperor had given her. It looked divine. Black silk, with red roses painted over it, decorated her body. On her chest, a golden rose, representing the Royal Crest.

Her eyes were beautiful. The black bringing out the red flecks. The Emperor cleared his throat, grinning, his eyes sliding down her body. He didn't dare say aloud that he found her more beautiful than the moon.
"We must go. My dear, dear sister wants to meet you." He sighed, a sarcastic grin on his face, but his eyes were dark, worried.

" He sighed, a sarcastic grin on his face, but his eyes were dark, worried

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