Chapter 28//Bathtub

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As both their minds started running like wild horses, a second, smaller train of thought was distracting Aiko. "He called me 'beautiful rose' is he...? No, no. It was just a stupid coincidence. My knight is not as cruel as him." She thought, trying to extinguish the small flame of hope that was slowly lighting her heart aflame.  

The voice of the Emperor brought her back to the current problem. "I have an idea." He whispered. Aiko turned to face him, raising her brow. "Is there still water in your bath?" He asked, glancing at her wet hair, and presuming she had taken a bath. Aiko nodded. "Thank god your servants haven't gotten rid of it," he sighed. "You'll slip in the water, and I'll hide myself behind you. We'll position the paper screen in front of us. They can't see your body: it isn't allowed by the protocol." He said, already starting to move. 

 Aiko almost wanted to retort that they weren't following protocol either but all she did was nod. Her voice was still stuck in her throat. 

The two quickly rushed to the bathroom. Aiko grabbed the screen and placed it in front of the bathtub.

"Your Highness?" The voice asked from outside.

"Just a moment!" She replied, spinning around, trying to find the Emperor. She scanned the room and found him grabbing the porcelain shards on the floor and throwing them underneath the bed. Aiko rushed to him, helping him. When the last shard was gone, Aiko grabbed the Emperor's hands and yanked him towards the bath.  

"Don't you dare touch-"

"It is not the moment to be whiny," she hissed.

Aiko placed her hand on the edge of the bathub and jumped over the side. The Emperor blinked in surprise, about to say something before he was pulled in the water as well. He managed to fall inside feet first.  

They both started shivering, the water lukewarm around them. Aiko felt his soft breath on her back. It warmed her for a few seconds, before giving her goosebumps. The cold was almost making her teeth chatter, so when the Emperor wrapped his arms around her waist, she didn't complain, pressing herself closer to him.  

Both their clothes were thoroughly soaked, and it almost felt as if their naked skin was touching. Aiko discarded the thought.  

As her mouth opened to allow the guests to come in, she felt the sides of her night vest slowly start to float up. Aiko desperately pulled them back down, panicking. The Emperor placed his hands on hers. He then pushed the fabric down, pressing it against the sides of her thighs. Aiko wanted to push his hands away, but that would start a fight and right now wasn't the moment. 

After glancing at the Emperor, she cleared her throat. "Enter."


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