Chapter 45// Piercing Pin

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The kimono behind Aiko fluttered like soft butterflies. It flickered delicately.

Aiko's maids scuttled in front of her. They bowed down in front of the royal couple and opened the doors to the Myth Room. Aiko smiled at them discreetly as she passed, feeling secure that they were there with her. The maids smiled as they looked down at the floor, knowing the Emperor couldn't see them smile. Aiko stepped over the threshold of the room. Her eyes glanced at the wall. They lingered on the beautiful paintings. It was her first time here, and the decorations made her happy 

The maids inside the room switched two black seating-pillows with two purple ones embroidered with golden roses: their royal status.  Aiko sat on the one nearest to the open shoji screens, watching as an amulet dangled from the frame. It danced in the wind coming from the garden. She smoothed her kimono, erasing any wrinkles. Her eyes wandered to the view outside, hoping to forget her family for a mere moment.  

The Emperor sat down next to her. His eyes shot continuous glances towards the complicated hairstyle that Aiko harbored on her hair. The sunlight slanting through the open doors made her hair shimmer like crow feathers. 

Chiho stumbled in an un-lady like manner to the seat next to the Emperor, almost pushing her sisters away. The Emperor smiled coldly. Uncle Shin Sa entered, covering his blush with his fan: Chiho was acting horribly. Aiko noticed the same burning in her Uncle's eyes. She smiled. She slid her right hand on the table next to the Emperor's.  

Without thinking he grasped her hand in his. Aiko smiled innocently at Chiho. Chiho smiled as well, her hand gripping her sleeve tightly. Her eye seemed bloodshot. Her smile was forced. Bile was burning in her throat.  

Aiko turned to face Eriko. "We would like a full meal." Aiko said, omitting 'please.' She didn't want to get into a fight with the Emperor over how she treated her servants. Especially in front of her wonderful family. Eriko nodded, understanding the situation.  

Aiko slowly glanced back at her family. Siho was staring at her nails. Miho had just realized her kimono was stained. She gulped loudly in the tense silence, and slid her hand on the stain, covering it.  

The Emperor cleared his throat. "So," Chiho leaned in. Her ears were eager to hear his voice. "We will be getting married next week. Presumably on Monday. It is a lucky day for marriage. As our court astrologist predicted."  

Aiko looked at him with a raised brow. "He never mentioned that there was a court astrologist. And he never mentioned he had gone to him." Aiko thought, surprisingly not worried that her wedding was so close. It made her heart beat faster. 

Chiho smiled. "You know, Your Majesty, the day is auspicious for me too. I could get married as well. My zodiac sign is the Dragon, same as hers." She exclaimed. The Emperor chuckled; Chiho grinned, thinking he had impressed her, while everyone in the room realized she had just humiliated herself.  

"No, we based the fortune reading on the ideograms in our names. My sweet little Aiko didn't tell me she was a Dragon. Although I think I knew in the bottom of my heart. Unlike some people it is clear her zodiac sign matches her personality perfectly." 

Aiko almost rolled her eyes. "What has been happening in our family? During my absence." Aiko said, trying to push the conversation in a different direction.  

Siho smiled and turned around, playing with her sleeve. "I might get married soon... to a rich merchant!" She exclaimed. Her eyes lighting up. Aiko felt something twist in her stomach. 

 "Just for money." Aiko felt her face scrunch up in a grimace of hate. The Emperor realized someyhing was wrong. Aiko's eyes landed on him and he nodded discreetly, asking her if she was okay. Aiko nodded, waving her hand. Aiko was mildly surprised that he had noticed she was uncomfortable.

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