Chapter 77// The Emperor's Rose

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"Twins?" Aiko screamed, looking down at her body. If she thought about the pain she would have to go through again to give birth to another baby. Panic started to drown her, making her breathe with difficulty. " I'm not giving birth to another one," she cried, tears falling down her eyes as she shook her head furiously.

The midwife looked down, worried. The baby was coming and there was no time for her to worry.
"Your Majesty, please," she tried to make her reason.

Hisato realized the situation was critical. He pressed the baby against his chest, sitting down next to her.
"Hey...hey need to calm down, alright? Think that you will be the proud mother of two? Hm?" He asked, cuddling against her. Aiko was shivering, looking at him with pure fear painted on her face.

"I...."she was about to mumble that she couldn't do it. She was too tired, when the baby in her lover's arms stirred. He opened his mouth, his eyes peeking open. Aiko's heart fluttered. Everything turned hazy for a minute.

The Empress found herself sitting down on grass, watching as herself and Hisato were running after the children who now where toddlers. She wanted to have that. She blinked the vision of the future out of her red eyes, looking down at her stomach. "A-alright..."the woman whispered, grabbing Hisato's hand.

He felt relieved, exhaling. His wife was a warrior. She would make it. Hisato started to pray silently, wanting his baby and his wife to be okay. He couldn't bare to loose either.

"Push, Your Majesty," the woman said, touching her knees to encourage her. Aiko threw her head back, the veins on her neck popping out. She pushed with all her might, seeing white spots against her vision. Aiko heard a blood-curdling scream. It took her a few minutes to realize she was the one screaming.

Sweat ran down her back, pooling around her waist. "Agh!" The Empress yelled, scratching the tatami-ed floor, squeezing Hisato's hand. The man blanched: Aiko's grip was strong. The baby, hearing his mother scream and sensing the pain, started bawling his eyes out as well.

"No, no wait baby....don't cry..."the Emperor whispered, trying to calm down the baby. One person screaming was enough.

"I see the head!" The mid-wife called, getting in position to catch the baby.

Aiko fell back, crying. "I can' hurts too much," she whispered, looking at the Emperor. Her eyes were full of tears, but she could make the blurry outline of his face out. She felt that Death was waiting for her in the corner, smiling kindly. She didn't want to go there, but, if she didn't push, the baby would die, and maybe she would too. She was pale, shook by tremors.

"Come on, my rose. It's almost over..."he cooed in her ear, caressing her palm with his thumb. Hisato could see the bad conditions she was in. He exchanged a glance with the mid-wife.

"Push, Your Majesty!" She called, hoping to give her strength. Aiko closed her eyes. She didn't want to loose a baby, neither die herself. She had to collect herself. This wasn't the first hardship she was going through. She could make it.

Aiko bunched the sheets in her hand, pushing as if her life depended on it, since it did. Her eyes burst wide open as she felt the body of the baby slip out of her, one last noise of pain coming from her. The mid-wife did everything else, easily cleaning them up and all the rest.

Aiko was tired, so tired. She fell against her futon. It was wet and damp with sweat. Her ears were ringing and she felt her legs burn. Aiko's view slowly turned black. Before she could faint, she heard the mid-wife saying, "It's a girl!"

The light of the dying sunset filtered through the open rice doors, illuminating Aiko's sleeping face. She started to wake, slowly, grimacing. Her eyes fluttered open, the red flecks inside of them shimmering. Her vision was still blurry and it took her a few minutes to completely wake up. Finally, her view wasn't blurry or unfocused. She sat up, slowly, feeling every bone in her body aching. "Agh," Aiko groaned, passing a hand through her tangled hair. Her body was sticky with sweat.

"You're awake, my love," a familiar voice whispered. Aiko turned around, quickly spotting Hisato. He was sitting close to her bed, completely illuminated by the orange light of the sunset. He was holding both of their babies, wrapped in green and red silk cloths with the Imperial Symbol sewn on the center. Both babies were sleeping, their small eyes closed.

"Hisato," Aiko smiled, tiredly, but the happiest she could ever be. Just the sight of her babies was making her heart flutter. She opened her arms, wanting to cuddle one as well. Her husband slowly inched closer, passing the boy to her. He immediately seemed to recognize his mother even in his sleep, cuddling against her. Aiko rocked him, holding his little hand. It was so small compared to hers. Tears of joy seeped in her eyes as she held the baby close.

Hisato noticed, sitting down next to her, and wrapping his free arm around her. "My gave me the best of gifts. I could not be happier," Hisato whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek. "I'm so proud of you. My strong Empress," he chuckled, holding her hand.

"We need to find names for them," she croaked, trying not to cry, changing the subject.

The Emperor nodded. "I was thinking...for my little princess...I want to call her Wei." He said, waiting for her approval. Wei meant rose. It would be written in Chinese characters, a privilege only the royal family had. Aiko loved it. Roses had been an important part of their relationship, and it only seemed fitting to call her like that. The Empress nodded.

"I want...I want to call our prince, he may have the strength of a dragon," Aiko said, pressing a kiss against his forehead.

"Ryoto? I couldn't think of a better name," Hisato complimented, glancing at her. "Wei...and Ryoto. Our bundles of joy," he said, almost crying as well.

"Yes..."Aiko answered, looking up at Hisato. He glanced back down at her. "I love you," she murmured, lifting her hand to rest it against his cheek. He cuddled against her touch.
"I love you too, my rose," Hisato mumbled, leaning down and kissing her passionately. Tears of happiness fell from Aiko's eyes, the Emperor's eyes wet.

Aiko was the happiest woman in the world. She started with nothing, and passed through many hardships. Starting her life as a commoner and ending up as royalty. But now, here she was, embracing the love of her life, and her babies.
Aiko pulled back from the kiss, smiling, truly in love.
She rested in Hisato's arms, the light bathing the four of them.

The two shared another kiss, her eyes glittering.
Aiko's mind was at ease, being able to live her life with the man she loved and her children. Hisato looked down at her, knowing, in his heart, that Aiko would be his rose. She would be....The Emperor's Rose forever.

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