Chapter 27// Effect of The Truth Serum

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Aiko pulled back, her face distorting into a grimace. The Emperor was staring at her, his face seemed different somehow. She couldn't quite pin point how. She then realised that no evil glint was shimmering in his eyes. They were void of any malevolence, pure and simple like a mountain lake. "What do you want?" She hissed, worried that he would do something to her.

Right after those words escaped her mouth, she checked no one was in the corridor. Unfortunately, the guards guarding her rooms were there. Motionless, but they could still listen. It wasn't allowed by the protocol for the Empress and Emperor to meet at night before marriage.
The Emperor smiled. "Can't I come and see you?" He asked, his voice almost wavering.

Aiko's mind started moving. The guards were listening. Would they spread a rumor? What would they think if Aiko started calling him names? They would certainly do something. Her mind was whirring, trying to find an acceptable answer quickly.  

Aiko did the only thing she was capable of. She moved to the side, letting him enter her room, her dress swishing lightly around her legs. It felt like water on her pale skin. "Come in." Aiko said through gritted teeth. Just the thought of him staining her room with his presence made her want to kick him away.  

The Emperor smiled. It wasn't mischievous or hiding any ill intent. Was he sick?

As soon as he was inside, Aiko slammed the door shut. She stormed towards him and crossed her arms over her chest. "What do you want?" Aiko snarled.

The Emperor didn't even seem fazed by the tone she had used. He turned to her and raised his hand, trying to stroke her hair. She avoided his hand. "You look so pretty tonight, Aiko." The Emperor said. Aiko's guard flew up. Never had the Emperor been kind to her.

Aiko backed towards her bed. "What's gotten into you?" She hissed, as she grabbed the vase that was next to her bed. Ready to hit him if necessary.  

The Emperor stepped closer. All evil seemed to have evaporated from his heart and face. He smiled. Aiko felt her heart skip a beat. He was beautiful. The Emperor looked like the man you would want to stay by your side forever. Or the man that destroyed families, all daughters wanting to marry him. The vase slipped from her hand. It shattered to the floor. "He is stunning..." Aiko thought, drugged by his stunning beauty. 

Revulsion distorted her face as she realised what she had been thinking. She shook her head and started snatching the shards of the vase from the floor.

"Why did you come? It's late at night; what will the other people think?" Aiko snarled, glaring at him. "I'm doing so much to maintain this idiotic charade and you ruin it." She started grabbing the pieces more quickly. After having picked them all up, she lifted her gaze and found the Emperor looking at her. His hand caressed her cheek slowly. His palm was warm against her skin. 

"You look as beautiful as a rose. My beautiful rose," He murmured.  

Aiko felt her eyes widen. She froze for a second, memories flooding her mind. They clouded her vision, covering the Emperor with images of her love, making him appear ghost-like and transparent.  

"Is it you?" She whispered, the pieces of the vase tumbling out of her hands as she wrapped her arms around him. Hisato pulled her closer. "My knight." Aiko sobbed, nestling her head in the crook of his neck.

They stayed like that for a few minutes, their hearts becoming one. 

Suddenly, the Emperor pushed her away, his hands cold.

Aiko fell to the floor. She looked at his face. The darkness and evil had returned as quickly as they had disappeared. Aiko felt her heart shatter. "What changed? What happened?" Aiko thought, her mind scrambling for answers. "Fumi...she gave him something...she wants to know...all those questions...oh god! She gave him that!" Her conclusion was quick but plausible.  

"Truth Serum!" She yelled, her eyes widening as the realization hit her.

The Emperor looked at her, confusion, and disgust glimmering in his eyes. "I do not know what you're blabbering about, and I do not care. What I would like to know is why and how am I here? Why were you touching me? Were you trying to seduce me?" He asked, pouring all the revulsion in that word. His words were aimed at her honor, trying to make her tumble in defeat. Confusion and a mild headache made the Emperor vicious. The man who had hugged Aiko a few seconds ago was gone. The drug had pulled away the kinder version of the Emperor as it loosened its control over him.  

Aiko felt her heart shatter slowly.

The Emperor glanced around the room, waiting for an answer before he glared back at Aiko. "Answer me." He hissed, focusing on her. He suddenly noticed her dark hair. It cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes were gleaming. Her body was enveloped in a beautiful night vest.

The Emperor shook his head, trying to clear his head and keep his anger ablaze.  

Aiko started to get mad. She knew that the Emperor had come due to the drug he had consumed. Aiko knew it wasn't his fault that he didn't remember what he had done, but he had consciously chosen to insult her. The drug was gone; that had been his own decision.  

She stood up quick as a flash. She started advancing towards the Emperor. Her pride had been slashed. His eyes were cloaked with darkness, a sadistic smile on his face, knowing what she wanted to do.  

Aiko was pulling back her arm to give him a good punch on the jaw, and feel the sound of his bone crunching, when she tripped on a shard of the broken vase. Aiko winced in pain and started tumbling to the floor. The Emperor realized and grabbed her. His arm looped around her waist. The Emperor pulled Aiko closer. His eyes were ablaze with anger. "What did you just think you were doing?" He hissed in her ear; Aiko shivered.

If anyone stumbled on them now, they would think they were interrupting an intimate moment: The Emperor was pulling Aiko close to him. Aiko had her hands on his shoulders, and he was leaning down, whispering something in her ear. But the interrupter would be terribly mistaken. If they looked close enough, they would see Aiko struggling to break free, and they would also notice the cruel way the Emperor's fingers were digging in her waist.  

Aiko was about to snap back at him when a knock on the door stopped her.

Aiko was about to disentangle her arms to see who it was, when the voice of one of the guards spoke."Your Highness, Her Highness, sister of His Majesty, the Emperor, is here to see you."

Aiko turned to look at the Emperor. They spoke at the same time.

"They can't find out you're here!"

"I need to hide!"  

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