Chapter 74//I'm so happy!

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The next few months were pure chaos. Everything had to be be prepared for the arrival of the baby. The herbalists were awake at any hour of day or night to assist the Empress if needed. The Emperor never left Aiko's side, even in the bathroom. Every morning he was there for her as she emptied her stomach and he made sure her food was double checked before even putting it next to her. Prayers were prepared to pray for the health of the child. Aiko was extremely overwhelmed since she was still new to being the Empress and all of this cluster around her was making her becoming claustrophobic.

And that's why she was hiding in a corner of the garden at the back, completely forgotten, or at least trying to. Aiko was sitting down on the damp grass, her stomach rounder and larger, clearly, and proudly, demonstrating her five month pregnancy. Her kimonos had been changed for less constricting ones, easy to move or take off if she had to go to the bathroom, which occurred more often. She knew for sure that everyone was undergoing a mass hysteria in the castle since she couldn't be found.

She really didn't care: she needed a moment alone.
Aiko leaned against the bushes behind her, her hair entangling in the small branches. She closed her eyes, completely exhausted.

After a few moments of laying completely still, she placed her hands on her round belly. "Hello darling," she cooed, her motherly instincts kicking in. "How are you doing? Mommy is a little tired since everyone seems to think she could shatter at any moment," she chuckled dryly. She stretched her back, wincing as she heard a loud snapping sound. Sleeping while being pregnant wasn't easy: she couldn't find a position which was comfortable to her. Aiko tossed and turned all night, managing to wake Hisato in the process. He was never angry and embraced her until she fell asleep due to exhaustion. That had taken a toll on her back, turning it sore. "I just wish I could meet you already," Aiko mumbled sadly, her hormones making her eyes well with tears.

"Should we go back to your daddy? He's probably panicking and threatening to behead everyone right now," she thought aloud, a small smile gracing her tired features.

Aiko pondered on the decision for a few more minutes. Did she want to return to that hysterical chaos? No. Did she have to? Yes. She rubbed her forehead and made her final decision.

As she was starting to stand up, loud and frantic footsteps reached her sensitive ears. "Here we go again," she grumbled under her breath. The panic-stricken face of her beloved Emperor came in sight.

As soon as he saw her sitting down on the grass, he calmed down and rushed to her, throwing his arms around her waist and pressing her as close as he could without squishing her belly.

"Oh my darling! You scared me so much!" He cried, hiding his face in her neck. Aiko had learnt that was the place he felt safer and enjoyed his warm breath against her sensitive skin. Aiko patted his back with her hands.

"I'm here, don't worry," she said, resigned to join the parade of chaos and neurosis.

"You scared me so much! I thought you had been kidnapped!" He admitted, looking at her. He immediately started checking her face for any trace of pain and calmed down instantly as he found none. "Why...why are you here, petal?" He asked, plopping down on the grass and placing her on his lap, not wanting her body to be in contact with the humidity any longer.

Aiko felt her mind and heart clash together. Her mind told her to tell him why she had escaped and her heart begged her to not hurt his feelings, because, even if he seemed tough, his emotions were as fragile as a bubble. She exhaled heavily as she picked the decision which appealed to her the most, knowing that it would hurt him.

"I ran away...because I felt overwhelmed..."she admitted in a quiet voice, hiding her face with her loose hair.

The Emperor looked at her, confused. He gently turned her head to face him and instantly saw the regret and guilt clouding his eyes. "Petal, don't feel bad about admitting a problem to me! Tell me, what is making you feel overwhelmed?" He asked, his voice soothing and controlled.

Aiko inhaled deeply. It felt as if it was harder to express her negative emotions to him now that she loved him than when she hated him.

"I don't like being the center of attention all the time...I'm never alone...and everyone fawns over me in a very irritating way," Aiko said brittlely. The Emperor now realized her reasoning and felt extremely disappointed in himself for not realizing.

He hugged her tightly and pecked her cheek.
"I'm sorry, my love. I will make sure everything is cleared." Hisato said at once, adjusting her hair and tucking it behind her ear. Aiko hadn't scrunched her eyes shut, ready to be screamed at or feel him sound even sadder but was pleasantly surprised. She slowly opened her eyes and peeked at him.

"Thank you for not being mad," she sighed, her shoulders lowering themselves. The Emperor lifted her hand and kissed it.

"Why would I be mad? Don't worry: I have changed," they both knew what he was talking about and fell in a comfortable silence. Aiko's hand went down to her stomach and rubbed her stomach, absent-minded. The Emperor looked at her belly and placed his hand on hers. Aiko looked up at him. She felt safe with him, realizing she had for a very long time, even before she knew she loved him.

Hisato's eyes glanced up at her luscious lips; he started leaning in.

Aiko was about to press her lips against his but a strange sensation in her stomach stopped her. She felt as if someone had pushed against the side of her stomach. She looked down in shock, pressing her hand where she felt it. The Emperor observed her, starting to panic as she said nothing. "Do I have to call the herbalist?" He asked, hoarsely.

Aiko shook her head, grabbing his hand and placing it on the area where she had felt the sensation. "Our darling kicked!" She announced, breathing with difficulty since she was so happy. The Emperor almost fainted when he heard her say that, but when he actually felt it, he felt like the happiest man in the world.

"Oh, I love you! I love you so much!" He yelled in pure joy, picking her up and spinning her in his arms. Aiko felt overjoyed as well, laughing with tears leaking from her eyes. She adored him so much. Maybe he was second only to the baby in her stomach.

They really couldn't wait to meet him or her. Or maybe...even more.

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