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You are my sunshine

    Finn sat in his room, memories of you scattered about. His eyes were set on a picture of you and him wrapping each other in a hug. A smile was plastered on your face, and on his too. The photo was forever just you two, forever happy. Nothing bad happening, nothing but joy. A sudden memory of your voice shook him to the core. A tear ran down his face, and landed on the photo.

My only sunshine

He turned, putting down the photo, thinking of a memory. You and him were cuddled under a blanket watching a stormy day go by. Your arms wrapped around his waist, and his arms on yours. Your eyes drooped, under the spell of the sound of the storm. He watched you carefully, loving watching you be sleepy. Just as you were about to fall asleep, you felt a sudden poke at you side. You moved away, opening your eyes to a smirking Finn.

"Finn." You pouted, poking his stomach. He laughed and pretended to double over in pain. You laughed hard, the sleepiness suddenly shook out of you. He smiled wider, knowing and loving your laughter. He then shifted over and began to tickle your side, You desperately tried to get away, laughing and giggling. You then went to tickle his side, turning it into a full out tickle war.

  You make me happy 

      He smiled, the memory now bittersweet. He look down at his wrist, seeing the bracelet you had made him. You had worn one just as identical. He recalled your explanation,

"So people know we are together!" He remember your bright smile. You made silly things and brought matching items for both of you, and always said the same explanation, each time making Finn smile.

When the skies are gray

    Finn began to cry, everything you did he loved. How silly you were around him, the way you reacted around camera. He remembered how you hugged him and he missed the way you would put your fingers in his hair. He went through his photos of you, and came across one of his favorites. You and him were headed to the set of Stranger Things, and you had asked to take a silly photo. You and Finn stood in front of the set and you had crossed you eyes, sticking out your tongue. Finn had puffed out his cheeks and squeezed his eyes shut.

     After taking the photo, you had squealed at him telling how adorable he was. Finn bit his lip, holding in his tears looking at the photo. Your voice was all he wanted to hear right now. He wanted you to hug him, kiss him, and cuddle. He was wanted to see your face, and touch your skin. Every scar or blemish was perfect on you, and the way your eyes lit up every time you saw him.

You'll never know dear, how much I love you

    He couldn't understand why you were gone. Why or how it happened. He remembered how many times he would tell you I love you in a week, and he counted how many you would say I love you too. Each time was so genuine, so sincere. Finn's entire body began to shake, holding one of your sweatshirts. Your family sent one over, in your memory. He brought it close to his face, and he began to cry, wrapped in your wonderful scent. 

  Finn cried harder, tears staining your old sweatshirt. A memory resurfaced,  one were you were begging for one of his sweatshirts. 

"Let me at least try it on!" You bounced on the balls of your feet, and Finn sighed. 

"Alright. You promise you won't run off like you do?" His eyes met your playful (E/C) eyes. 

"Yep!" You bounced. 

"Okay." He raised an eyebrow, watching you with a suspicious gleam in his gaze. 

"Yay!" You immediately put the sweatshirt over your own, then exclaimed, "It's mine now forever!! Promise broken!" You giggled, running out of his room. 

"Hey!" He laughed, get up after you. He easily caught you, and booped you on the nose as you pouted. 

"No fair..." You said, and he smiled.

"I love you,(Y/N). You don't know how much I do. Even if you are a little trouble maker." Finn kissed your nose. 

"I love you too, Finn. Even if you are no fair." You smiled playful.

Please don't take my sunshine

    Finn laid in his bed, your tear stained sweatshirt still in hand. He went through the sleeves, stray tears running down his face as he saw the blood stains in them. If only he could have seen the signs. How could this have gotten this far? How could he not catch you? How could he not stopped you? Did he hurt you in someway? What did he do? Why did you have to be gone? Why did it choose her? He cuddled close to the old clothes, and went under his blankets, wishing he was with you. He wanted to be oblivious to the world. He didn't want to be in it. Knowing you were gone was horrible. Finn began to mutter.

"Why?" He sobbed, tears running freely.

"Why would (Y/N) take her own life?"



Heyo! Hope I wasn't too angsty. I just really had this idea in my head for a while and finally decided to come out with it. I hope you guys liked it and I hope you like the ones coming up.

Your writer,



Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now