Just friends

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You break my heart even though you don't mean to.

Finn watched (Y/N) from across the room carefully. She was laughing and talking with Noah, Millie and Gaten as they were putting on their skates. They had gone ice skating, but Finn insisted on just sitting back and watching. He met (Y/N) through Millie, and Finn really enjoyed being around her. Over time he fell in love with her, but he was positive she thought of him as just a friend.

Finn noticed the way she would look at Noah, lingering when he wasn't watching and the sudden smiles when she saw him... He was sure Noah loved her as well. Finn was pulled from his thoughts, as he watched (Y/N) stumble the moment she got in the rink. He stood up straighter, making sure she wasn't injured. He watched Noah come over and asked if she was alright, offering his hand. (Y/N) just laughed and nodded, and Finn closed his eyes and bit his lip, trying to fight tears. To be the cause of her laughter is something Finn wanted to do every moment.

He kept a close eye on her through the entire ice skating trip, till it was time to go. (Y/N) and the group came out of the rink, and started getting ready to leave. He watched her in a daze, till suddenly he realized she was coming over to him. He felt his face heat up, and he looked down.

"Hey Finn, why didn't you go ice skating with us?" Her voice piped up. Finn bit his lip, wanting to hear more of her voice. His brain thought and scrambled to make an excuse, but he quickly stuttered,

"I j-just didn't w-want to." He bit his lip, hoping it would suffice. Suddenly, (Y/N) giggled. Finn's eyes widened, only looking up to see her laugh and noticed how her nose and cheeks were dusted with a red hue. 'Just from the ice in the rink...' Finn hoped otherwise.

"I know that, silly. What is the reason behind that?" She said, and his mind answered,

'You.' He quickly came up with an answer.

"Uh, I'm n-not feeling one-hundred percent t-today." He looked up, and examined her face. He briefly met with her (E/C) eyes, before looking away. 'I will never be a hundred percent without you.'

"Oh, well, get better!" She suddenly gave a hug, and Finn felt his face get even hotter.

"T-thanks..." He said giving a brief hug back. He stayed in that position, even after she had let go and waved goodbye, leaving with Noah at her side. He breathed deeply, taking in the action from before. He smiled brightly, the happiest smile he had made in a long time.

You break my heart even though you don't mean to.

Later that day, he laid in bed, thinking about the hug from early. He smiled at how close (Y/N) had been, the way he was wrapped in her scent, but tears fought to well up for he knew that he would never be the one she loved. He closed his eyes to be in her hug again. Finn replayed the moment in his mind, forever wanting to be close to her. He opened his eyes, biting his lip, and his hands in his hair. It was getting harder day by day to live without seeing (Y/N). He smiled gently, thinking of her laughter.

He examined his hands, which were shaking softly. He finally let tears fall, understanding that they would never go away. He wasn't brave enough to admit he loved her, and what she rejected him if he ever could say it? Finn wondered if she could notice without him having to do much.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He whispered to himself, and he whispered it again. "I love you." Suddenly, his phone rang. That ringtone...It was (Y/N). He shifted and got up, and grabbed his phone. He closed his eyes and swallowed deeply, one last stray tear following down his face before he answered. "Hello?" His voice was soft, hoping that it wouldn't tell he had been crying.

Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now