Pillow Fort

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Hey, this writing is focused and dedicated to insecure and anxious readers. I personally have anxiety and have been terribly insecure and when I am like that, I really want something I can relate to. Since these types of stories are rare, I just wanted to make something for anyone insecure to feel better. To all my readers who are insecure, remember you are unique and beautiful. <3 Anyway, you came for a fanfic, so here you are. Finn Wolfhard x Reader, Pillow fort.

Your writer,

Shyla. ♡

P.S. Just realized I have a lot of angst in this imagine book. Ha-ha, sorry, get used to it.

P.S.S I was listening to angsty music again ;)


I took a satisfied breath as I laid in my fort of pillows. I laid back, and hugged one of the many pillows around me. My breath became shaky, glad to be away from the world so I could cry. The fort would take an hour to make, but it was worth it to hide away from the rest of the world. I was overrun with insecurities, which brought out my coping habits. A pillow fort, was my best coping habit. I closed my eyes, and tried erasing the words that were burned into my mind.

'They hate you.'

'You're ugly, and will always be.'

'They only hang out with you out of pity.'

'They only want to mess with your head.'

'Your laughter sounds hideous.'

'Finn doesn't love you.'

I froze at the last thought. That one had been in my mind since he told me he loved me. That he wanted to date me. Every time I met his eyes, the thought rang in my mind.

'He deserves someone better.' I bit my lip, the words sinking in. I curled up and let my insecurity sweep over me. Don't worry, it is a part of the recovery. I stared up at the blanket ceiling, pretending I wasn't here. What would it be like to never exist? Would it feel like an endless dreamless sleep? Would you stare into darkness unaware that you don't exist? How peaceful would it be? Would there be others that don't exist around you and you'll never know? Would I know I was just nothing? As I was smothered in the thoughts, I suddenly heard a knock. I forced myself up. 'Who could that be?' Then I heard his voice.

"(Y/N)! I was just coming over to hang out!" Oh no. It was Finn. I sniffled, and rubbed my eyes, trying to hide the fact that I had been crying. I crawled under my blanket entrance and slowly went up to the door. I slowly opened the door to the smiling Wolfhard. I gave a little smile, but I saw his eyes flicker with worry. I let him in and he raised his brow at the pillow fort. "What is this?" He asked meeting my eyes and causing me to tense.

"Oh, my fort." I said and lifted the entrance blanket. "Want to see inside?" I sniffled again, trying to be normal about it.

"Sure." He smiled and nodded. He went in first, and I followed shortly after. Quickly I flipped over the pillow with tear stains. He plopped right in the middle of the fort and kept that grin on his face. I remained quiet, messing around the pillows at the base. He suddenly spoke up.

"So, you just make forts at the end of the month for no reason?" I spontaneously froze.

"Yeah, I guess." I shrugged, and fiddled with my fingers. The anxiety of him finding out made my heart pound in my chest. I felt his eyes linger on me for a few minutes. I didn't want Finn to know I was insecure. That I was weak. He would realize he hated me and walk away. "I just make them and ponder a lot of things in here. I guess it is my pocket away from the universe." I explained, that part being true. I hoped that would suffice.

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah." I began to feel uncomfortable where I was. I felt my smiled fall, but I couldn't put it back on. I wasn't sure why.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He suddenly hopped up and went to my side. I turned at him and bit my lip. "Everything alright?" I smiled and nodded.


"Are you sure?"


"(Y/N)." He went to put a hand on my shoulder, and I flinched away. I shut my eyes tightly realizing want I had done. Suddenly, an insecure thought poured out of my mind.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't hate me, don't please." I gripped my wrist hard and I felt one tear fall. I heard him come closer and he enveloped me into his embrace.

"I could never hate you." He whispered as I began to choke on my sobs. "Where did this come from?" I didn't reply, just letting my tears fall. He kept me in his embrace, waiting patiently for me to answer.

"It came from me..." I whispered very quietly as the waterworks began to slow down.

"(Y/N), you are my everything. I love you, and I need you to know that." I suddenly hugged back, shutting my eyes tight at hearing the words. We both were covered in a quiet, drowning silence. When I pushed away from his embrace, I gave him a smile. I gave him a quick peck on the forehead.

"Recovery was a success." I joked, my confidence suddenly was high, something only Finn could truly make me feel like. Finn smiled. He cupped my face, making me blush. "I love you a lot, and nothing will ever change that. If you ever feel like that again, just let me know, and I will do this." He suddenly pulled me in for a kiss, and my muscles that were once tense relaxed. After the feeling of bliss, I smiled silly at him and gave him another hug.

"I love you so much Finn." I said. "I'm sorry I never told you about this."

"It's okay, (Y/N). Just promise to tell me next time." Finn said, running a hand through his black curls. I nodded and put my arms around him, resting my head on his shoulder. He then repeated my action, and suddenly asked, 'So, this fort was to-" Already knowing the sentence, I answered,


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