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Meet Madison April Jenner, a 18 year old who lives life on the wild side and no, is not in ANYWAY related to anybody in the Jenner/Kardashian family. Madison is just about to begin university studying journalism and she couldn't be more excited, because it's not like she's actually going to university to study, right?

Madison was born in Leeds, but when she was 5 years old her parents decided they needed a change, chose a crazy city (out of a hat , might I add) and just packed up their life and moved to Barcelona, Spain. So Let's just say Madison's parents are not the cliche "go clean your room" Or "do your homework" type parents , they're sort of alternative. So, while growing up Madison never got scolded if she didn't ace her report card or if she came home past curfew.

Following the trend Madison decided to make a crazy decision when she graduated high school and return to England to attend university. She felt she needed more adventure in her life and what better way to do so by completely starting fresh living with students her age in the party central of London?

She had always been an only child so she would have to make friends , which wasn't hard with her bubbly, excitable personality but she was excited to be living with someone who she could become partners in crime with: skipping class, partying like crazy and going on random,wild adventures with. When Madison thought of all the possibilities her awaiting university adventure held she wanted to scream with excitement, but little did she know there would one uptight roommate she would have to loosen up first.



Meet Alissa Autumn Matthews, a shy, conservative eighteen year old, second year Medicine and Humanities student. Alissa had been brought up in a wealthy family, with stern morals and strong virtues. Alissa was born in Ireland, but moved to England at a young age. She grew up in the stereotypical "rich person" house, you know the ones with the white walls, huge windows, massive gardens and that stupid white picket fence. Her parents raised her to be polite, well mannered and always ladylike. All her life she had felt controlled by her parents, as they were very "hands on" in raising her. She always did her homework, never spoke back, only drank on special occasions- and even then it was a small, limited amount. It's not that her parents ruled her life like a dictator, they just didn't always see eye to eye with her and often argued.

Alissa struggled to make genuine friends, she was shy and didn't open up easily and most of her peers were rich and snobby and often picked on the middle class children. She was popular throughout high school but there your social status was based on money, and being born into one the wealthiest families in the United Kingdom it obviously meant everyone wanted to be her friend.

Alissa worked hard all her life, and unlike her parents she didn't think that money was power and that she could just have everything handed to her on a silver platter similar to the one that often served her meals.

When Alissa decided on her university she decided on the one furthest away from home so she could get away and make something of her life on her own, without the influence of her parents. She had craved independence her entire life and when the opportunity arose of a full scholarship and boarding she grasped it with both hands. She wanted to get away from being that "rich kid" everyone loved, but actually didn't even know the first thing about, she wanted to start over and make real friends. She wanted to be herself. So from then on she went by her second name, Autumn, and almost completely cut herself off from her parents funding.

Autumn spent the first year alone in her boarding room, it was a double room, but her roommate tragically died in an accident before Autumn even arrived at the campus. Autumn didn't mind being alone, she'd spent most of her teenage years alone in a big house, her parents worked long random hours but were always there when she needed them. She loved her parents, but she needed her space. Autumn was now in her second year and just over eighteen years old, she was one of those overachievers that graduated a year early.

Autumn left her entire life behind in Alderley Edge, Cheshire , to start a whole new life, a normal one as she had always hoped for. But she didn't need friends in university, or so she thought, she worked hard during the day on academics and at night she volunteered at various community projects, she physically didn't have time for fun, friends or frolicking .

She arrived back at her boarding room ready to face the year, ready to ace her exams and maybe even finish the term early again. But then something unplanned happened, she was paired with a loud, wild and completely alternative first year. She never expected this first-year to change her entire life so drastically.


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