Make Up's and Make Out's

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Madison POV:

My stomach pains with laughter a I try to run faster. I can hear Harry getting closer as I see my building with the blue letters. We have been running around campus for about 10 minutes and he still hasn't caught me. We were playing football for most of the afternoon, and then he asked me something about going to his room or something so I just took off running. I don't know why I ran though? I don't know if it was because of what he asked me or because I was bored, but I just ran and haven't stopped since. Harry also seems to be quite confused because he has been guessing the reason since he started running after me. At first he started asking "Was it because I smell?" and "Do you want to get back to studying with Autumn?" and I was struggling to suppress a smile, but now he was going on about this story he made up about somebody telling me he was actually a serial killer and now he will HAVE to kill me because I know too much. Just as we shoot pass two more strangers giving us a weird look, I finally feel his hands clutching me around my waist.

"AHHHH! HELP! HES GOING TO KILL ME!" I scream at the top of my voice. This gets me a few looks from the girls leaving our dorm, probably because its around dinner time. One red headed girl looks quite concerned and is making her way towards me when I crack a huge smile in Harry's direction.

She turns around quickly, looking embarrassed that she thought I was serious and makes her way back to her group of friends. By now, I'm bent over trying to catch my breath because I just ran a fucking marathon and I cannot stop laughing. Harry gives me a mischievous look but I quickly realize what he's going to do. I bolt off towards the doors before he does and begin climbing the stairs.

"Hey! Come back here!" He says through a smile.

"Never!" I pant as I continue the hell, that is the staircase. Just as I'm about to reach the end I trip on the stairs and Harry isn't far behind me.

"Now you gonna get it!" He says and begins tickling me under my arms and on my stomach. I cannot control the laughter and shrieks that follow. I have been deadly ticklish my entire life and Harry unfortunately discovered this earlier. We were playing football when he grabbed for me to hold me back from the ball but I ended up on the grass laughing. I think being ticklish is one of my biggest weaknesses ever! Words can't even describe how terrible the feeling is but yet I still laugh? It just doesn't make sense.

"Stop! Stop!" I manage to shriek in between bubbles laughter. Ugly, scary laughter might I add. I realize that that he isn't going to quit any time soon with his cynical smile and manic laughter so I take matters I to my own hands. I wriggle away from his grip and run down the passage with him following close behind. We are both still laughing like complete lunatics. Autumn is going to think we are absolutely nuts. When I get to the door I am relieved that she left it unlocked for once. I wonder why though?

I quickly turn the knob and run in to escaped Harry's large hands but I quickly stop when I see something I did not expect at all. I feel Harry's hot breath on the back I my neck and cringe when I hear his voice boom from behind me.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!" He shouts, walking over to where Autumn is straddling Louis on her bed. Her hair is a mess and her lips swollen when she pulls quickly pulls away from Louis and jumps off the bed like she just found out he was a poisonous snake or something.

"Uhm.. Uhm..." She mumbles, looking really scared now. She looks up at Harry but he isn't paying attention to her at all, he has his eyes narrowed at the boy sitting on the the bed. He quickly crosses the room and grabs a bewildered Louis by the shirt. They both leave the room without a word but we hear the screaming match begin as the door slams behind them.

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