First Day of Class

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Madison POV:

"DONT WANNA BE AN AMERICAN IDIOT!" I sit up quickly in my bed, my ringtone giving me the biggest fright ever.

"Fuck, I need to change that!" I mumble, falling back onto my soft pillow after stopping the obnoxious sound. What is happening today? I look around and notice Autumn's empty bed which is neatly made. I listen if I can hear her in the bathroom, but all I can hear is the rowdy people outside.

Why are people awake so early? Wait, why did I have an alarm set even? Then it clicks as I remember the blonde nagging me to turn off the light last night, because she wanted to 'get a good nights sleep before the first day of classes'. I rolling my eyes as I sit up and reach for my phone.

I should probably be more worried that I only have fifteen minutes to change and walk across the entire campus before my history class starts. I mean I'm excited for classes to start so I can meet all my classmates and lecturers, but not enough to leave my bed until it's absolutely necessary.

After dozing off for what seems like two seconds I finally decide to walk over to my cupboard and find clothes. I smile as I think of the crazy possibility that none of these people really know me and I could create a whole new identity for myself without them knowing. I could wear like all black leather with black make-up, or I could wear a floral dress and a conservative cardigan, or I could even go butt-naked and tell them that I like to stick to natural beauty.

I ponder over this for a few minutes, staring into nothingness, letting out a giggle every now and then when I realize that I now only have like five minutes remaining.

So I quickly grab my favourite navy play suit and leather sandals. I run into the bathroom and brush my teeth. When I look in the mirror I see that something needs to be done to my bush of a hairstyle. As I walk around the room searching for my books and backpack I find two little elastics on Autumn's dresser that I can use for braids.

I grab my favorite khaki and tortoise shell sunglasses as I run walk out the door and hang them in the v-line of my playsuit. As I walk down the stairs and out into the crisp morning air I begin to part my hair in two and French-braid the two sides.

I wonder what my parents are doing back home? I've spoken to them twice since I flew over by myself and they seem to be enjoying the no kids thing. It kind of hurts to hear how much fun they're having without me but I know that they're not doing it on purpose. It's just that I've never been one to tell my parents I love them constantly and always hang around them, but now that they're on the other side of the ocean, I kind of miss them and have no one to talk to about it.

I walk past the first few buildings where I read "Education Faculty" written across the top. This must be where Harry is, since he's studying teaching and phycology. I haven't seen him since yesterday morning when he walked backstage and found a half-naked Australian with his arms around me. He called me his girlfriend which was very confusing? Like he's hot and sweet and all that, but really I've only known him for like four days and I've never made any commitment to him whatsoever. I'm not quite sure I want things to move so quickly between us since I just got here and I want to establish a real friend before I start getting into any relationship.

I wonder if he got to see the 'Autumn and Calum episode' yesterday or if he just left after the morning. I hope I see him today and that he isn't awkward or anything, because I don't quite know what to say to him after what happened with Ashton.

I push all these confusing thoughts aside when I finally reach the history class. I walk in and take a seat in the back next to a pretty greened-eyed girl with ginger hair and a hot guy with the most adorable freckles.

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