First Impressions

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Madison POV:

Building: St Edward's House

Room: 17

'Why am I so excited about a fucking room number?' I thought to myself as I glanced over the piece of paper this fit guy handed to me when I signed up with all the other first years. Maybe it was because the guy with the hot body had scribbled his number on the back of the now wrinkled paper or because this piece of paper symbolized the beginning of an adventure I have been dreaming about ever since the day I was accepted.

I looked around at the passing campus as I missioned to my building. It was filled with flustered first years looking completely lost with fathers lagging after them with their huge suitcases and emotional mothers following close behind looking like they're going to burst into tears any moment. Then there was a few council members directing first years to their new homes and of course the second and third year guys scouting out the new talent.

I finally arrived at my buliding which was very clearly mark in bold blue letters "St Edward's House". I was told that I would be sharing a room with a second year as there were not enough first years to room with. I was not intimidated by this at all, actually quite the opposite. It would be nice to live with someone who already knows the area and where the best parties and clubs are found.

After climbing what felt like 100 flights of stairs, since I was lugging a suitcase contained my life in it , I finally reached what I guessed was my corridor. I attemtpted opening door 17 as soon as I reached it, because why waste time? But it was locked. "Shit" I laughed at myself as I retrieved the key from the pocket of my oversized plaid shirt. I was so fucking excited to meet my roommate and get settled in so I can go out and really begin my college adventure. I turned the key and opened the door with a huge smile on my face. 'God, I'm such a dork,' I thought to my self.

The first thing I noticed when I swung the door open was the lush, expensive furniture that inhabited the medium sized dorm room. On the right side of the room there was a single bed with no bedding, which I guessed was mine. Just above my empty bed on the wall there were neatly drawn and labelled diagrams of different body's parts in a perfectly placed square. Why the hell would someone decorate there room with organs!? Then against the main wall in the middle of the room there was a huge mahogany desk with neatly stacked books resting on top. On the right side of the room was a double bed with white duvet cover and many pastel pink decorative pillows.

Okay so my roommate was an OCD rich kid, who either is a med student, or has some weird obsession with the human body. She can't be that bad, maybe she's actually really fun and this is all her parents doing. Either way, something's going to have to change. So I set to work on making the room more '18 year old college student' and less '40 year old house wife from Beverly Hills'.

Autumn POV:

Ugh, start of the school year. I should be happy about this, it means that I can get away from my parents again. Don't get me wrong I love my parents, but they can be a little... Too much. And that was the whole reason for my choosing of this university, it was the furthest away from my parents and it also granted me freedom, in the sense that I didn't have to rely on them funding my studies.

Because it was the first day of the new school year my parents flew down with me, we could have driven, but my mother gets car sick if we drive for too long. My parents forced me into brunch with them at some fancy restaurant, with a menu I can't pronounce, but wanting to stay in their good books I didn't complain.

After the brunch we parted ways, and much to the horror of my mother, I used public transport to get to the campus. (My mother for some reason believes that I will in fact die or pick up a deadly disease if I use public transport.) I greeted Marcus, the boarding house security and walked up to my room. We really do need an elevator, these stairs are just a joke. When I got there I found the door standing wide open, music blasting and laughter booming from inside.

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