Cloudy With a Chance of Wine

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Autumn POV:

"LETS PLAY TWENTY QUESTIONS!" Madison screamed from next to me.

We were still sitting in Liam's living room, drinking wine. By now the sun had set and the music had started blaring from the apartments around us. I must admit, drinking is a lot more enjoyable the second time you do it, but of course I would never admit this to Madison or Harry.

I had lost track of how much alcohol was consumed in the last few hours, but judging by the empty bottles decorating the living room table, it was a lot. We were not drunk, but we were not sober either.

"Yes!" Liam said, dragging out the 's' sound.

'Heads Up' and 'charades' were incredibly amusing games to play, especially because we were somewhat intoxicated, but even those became trivial after being played for hours. The change to a more "serious" and personal game was gladly welcomed by us all.

"I shall start." I said boldly. My sudden surge of confidence and general spontaneousness had come to a surprise to both me and the faces staring at me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks when I realized I was centre attention, but it soon faded when I figured that I should just own it, 'because YOLO' as Madison always says.

"Okay, first kiss?" Liam started off the asking, considering he was on my left and the general notion of society was to move in a clockwise direction. It was the go-to-question that was usually asked so none of us were surprised when he asked it.

"Louis. Next question." I said without hesitation, but I soon realized that Harry and Liam were unaware of that fact and were quite shocked, as I had always kept it a secret. Oh well, YOLO.

"Wait, what? When Louis kissed you a few days ago was definitely not your first kiss, you know that right?" Harry said, confused.

"Wait, Louis kissed you? Are you two like a thing?" Liam interjected.

"What? No."

"Autumn, is the alcohol affecting your memory or did you forget that I was your first kiss?" Harry questioned.

"Not true, it was actually Louis. It's a long story. I'll explain later. Next question, Harry." Madison replied on my behalf. I almost forgot that I had told Madison about that.

"Are you vibing Louis?" Harry asked, his tone tinted with annoyance. What is with all these Louis questions. But am I? Previously I would be able to honestly answer that question in a heartbeat, but after all the things that have happened over the course of the last week, my feelings have shifted. But have they really shifted to me crushing on him? My usual certainty was replaced with the unfamiliar feeling of uncertainty, and it scared me half to death.

"He drives me clinically insane. Next question." I dodged the answer as fluidly as I could, no one took notice that I didn't actually answer the question. That, or they were too polite to press the matter further. The questions that followed ranged from downright ridiculous to deeply personal, Madison asking the most personal one.

"What's the deal with you and your parents?" Madison asked so innocently, her curiosity getting the better of her. I felt a twinge of emotion that I just could not place. I glanced over at Harry and I saw that his brows were pinched at the bridge of his nose.

I am not sure why I decided to open up to Madison, and Liam too, maybe it was because of the alcohol, or maybe it was because I needed others to hear my story, that I needed others to know who I really am and accept me. But all I know is that I did indeed open up to them.

"It's a long story, but it needs telling I guess. My parents and I do not get on as normal families usually do, you see I do not share my parents views on things. My parents are somewhat snobbish and enjoy their lavish lifestyle in the public eye, and I prefer to spend my time in the background helping others. I was raised, as from a very young age, to be a perfect lady, always discrete and proper, but also to be conscious of money and the fortune we posses." I paused to take a sip of my drink and to study the faces in front of me, I could see that they were processing the information.

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