ch.2|The Famous Lazanga

52 2 2

Song : Gorgeous
By : Taylor Swift

After what my mom said  and my arguing with her about not attending that dinner , and that she could bring mY food to my room , she insisted and said that dad insisted that I would be here with them on the same table in the same room , when Riley asked her why they waited 2 weeks since we came to invite him , she simply answered that dad waited till we finish unpacking and finishing the house , A really long night its going to be 

I went upstairs in order to get dressed and to have a shower , my dad friend doesn't matter to me the one that matter is his son the famous Jughead Jones , the thief that stole my first kiss and my first heartbreak, ,the last time I saw him was 6 years ago when I was 11 , when my dad insisted that we drop them to the airport because they were moving from NYC to come here I guess

After they moved with like 2 days  , I got an email from unknown and it was a picture of him kissing another girl , another picture of them holding g hands , I talked to him confesd him with what I got he replied like it was nothing , like I was nothing to him , so I broke up with him and he seemed to be fine with it but I on the other hand got depressed and didn't eat for a week ,

that now sound silly but hey I was 11 I was a child a stupid one if I may ask , but now I'm 17 things have changed , last I heard that he was mysterious and never comforted his dad , he was always in trouble , brent told me that he told him that he joined a gang here , Brent kept in touch with him , they were friends and continued to be even after he broke up with me

After I took my shower and dried my hair with the draier and put it in a side French braid and pulled some of the baby hair to give the messy look , I changed into a black jeans that is ripped on the knee section and a white tank top and a black jersey and a converse , when I looked at my phone I saw it flashing red indicating that there was a missed call , I opened it and found 2 missed calls from My Lollipop that's my nickname for laura , I dialled her number , she answered after the second ring ,

" Jess , Jessica are you okay ? Should i call 911 ? Are you kidnapped ? What the hell happened to you ? That's it I'm calling 911 "

I chuckeld when I heard her expectation , " you only called twice and you already calling for help , you're hilariously weird " I said out of laughter

" don't blame me , the last time you didn't answer my calls you were passed out in the locker room and ended up in the hospital , you should be thanking me " I flash back to that moment , it was wired that all of the sudden the janitor locks the room in the middle of the day , its wired but I let it slep anyway

" that was a year ago and I wouldn't be traped if someone didn't forget her bag and begged for me to get it , and that smart janitor of the school locked me there all day with no cellphone service or another way out " she chuckled on the other end its good to hear her voice after that tiering day

" you'll never guess what happened today " I said with eager to tell her my day

" you convinced your parents and you're moving back here ? " she said with excitement in her voice

" you're dreaming Lollipop " she sighed on the other end 

" I knida of hoped that you were I can't stand school without you next week , wedgewood High without you is just pointless " she said with sadness in her voice , I really wanna go back home , but I can't leave my parents , plus I can't effort living alone there , yes I'll be with laura but I have to have my needs by myself

" yea , don't miss me too much , I will still see you in spring break " I tried to cheer her up , but I guess I didn't work cause she simply said

"Yea right " she sounded really down " what happened today that you were going to tell me ? " I told her everything that happened from the the famous lazania to the surprise dinner guests

"That loser again ? I thought he was bad news ? Isn't that what your brother told you ? " I know what you're thinking I tell her everything, well you're wrong I don't tell her everything, only necessary things only

"I guess he is back in my life again " with a sigh , I can't really imagine that I'll be facing that jerk again , " and what are you going to do about it ? Are you just gonna surrender? 'Cause that doesn't seem like you at all "

The question she said , what am I going to do , I can't give up to the fact that he is back in my life to ruin it again , I can't give him that opportunity, no not again  , who knows what will happen till spring break " I don't know really , I could just ignore him , if he try a move and I doubt that , I'll just deal with it " yes that sounds like a good plan , right ?

A yell from downstairs catch both my attention and Laura's , "Jess , Get down here " I heard Brent yelling

Me and laura say our goodbyes and hang up and as I head downstairs I can hear a human voice , a one I almost recognise , yep its my dad's "Ross buddy you're always welcomed here into this house " I hear steps moving but not too much feet , I wonder if he is alone , that put hope and relaxtion in my chest

When I went into the dinning room I saw the back of two figures , one was obviously Ross's the other had a ponytail , a ponytail? A girl ? Hah ?


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