Ch.9|Heart Attack

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Song : Her last words
By : Courtney
Hello lovies , I don't usually make an A/N before the chapter but that's so that you would know that this chapter would be in different POV ,it'll also be a looooong chapter , keep reading to know why ;))


Third person's POV

As soon as Brent saw that his sister was starting to daze off he knew exactly what to do , sure he was panicked but he was prepared , he called his mom which was on speed dial for situations like that , then he drove his sister to the hospital

Since its a small town they only have one big hospital and luckily it was near where they were

Brent glanced to his sister and saw that she was still unconscious , he saw that her breath was getting slower , that gave him a push to hurry for the hospital

The white old big building came into view , that when Brent let out a breath he didn't know he was holding , ' its a good thing that I came to see Jughead here yesterday ' he thought to himself , he thanked god that he knew the way to the hospital right

He stopped his car furiously in front of the building , got out , got his sister out of his car ,carried her with both hands , he saw a familiar face once he entered the building ,
"Hellpp , help me , my sister , someone help us " as if on cue two nurses came with a movable bed , he softly let down his sister and started running with them to Operations room

" I'm sorry you can't go in there " a nurse said as she pushed him out and closed the door after her , he went to the look through window and saw that they had putted an tubes every where , on her mouth , in her hands , he packed to the wall and stood there breathless

Little did he know that he had company , he only realized his presence when he put a hand on his shoulder , Brent looked up to see dark brown eyes , white skin , lace black hair falling from this person Benny

"Jughead , what're you doing here ?" Then he realized that his question was stupid , then added " I mean how did you know that I was here ?"

"I saw you when you entered and you were panicked that you didn't notice me " then Brent remembered seeing the fimliar face and ignoring it

" what happened to her ? " Jughead said motioning to Jessica , " she had a panic attack when I told her what happened with your sister , she got so emotional and all that she passed out so I brought her here "

Jughead looked like he was about to say something when they were interrupted by the doctor and a nurse coming out of the romm at thier sight , Brent got up and hurried to them

" are there any relatives to this girl ? " the doctor asked the nurse which had a clipboard in her left hand , the nurse looked up at Brent " that's the boy who brought her here "

" what's your relation with her ? " the doctor said as he approached Brent "I'm her brother " the doctor nodded once and looked at Jughead waiting for explaining
" he's my best friend  " the doctor nodded again and looked at Brent and said

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