Ch.7|Midnight Pizzas

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Song : Let it go
Artist : Demi Lavato

I can't say that I hate my siblings 'cause honestly who hates their brothers and sisters , I mean no matter what happen between you they'll always have your back no matter what , Am I Right ?

I can't Deny that I didn't feel hurt in my chest when I heard his name , I don't know why he still gets to me , for heavens sake I should move on , Laura and Alex Always told me to move on and I always lied and said that I did but I guess my face reactions blew me off

You all know that ache that you get from your first heartbreak and the consequences that follow it , that feeling that you wasn't good enough , that you lack something that the new girl have , after crying and sopping for Weeks , Months , sometime even years , you be cautious of what you do around people , you don't trust easily , 'cause you've realised that trust have to be earned not given away , you try your best to move on and you do trust me , you actually do , but when his name is mentioned you'll still get that heart ache but it'all fade slowly

I guess in my case its fading , 'cause when Brent said his name It did hurt but not as usual , its a good thing I know it , I still haven't seen him yet , I know it'all happen if I want it or not , I mean I can't avoid him forever and when I met him it will go easily Right ? Oh dear I hope so

Today went by and I didn't glance him , that's good but the thought that he picked Brent means that he came here and that he now knows the house , I Doubt that he'll even think to come , like I said I hope so

The Knock on my door took me out of my wild thought that I know was about to go deep and that would be bad , " Come in "

The door opened and standing there was the devil it self , kidding it was just Brent

"Hey , how are you ? " Brent said while coming in and sitting at the other end of the bed , while I sat my head on the bed back

" yea I'm fine , struggling With all the Homework but eh I had worse days " I lied , well not completely , I'm an All A's girl but I do struggle with homework and that what get that best work out of me

" you can do it I know you can , uh uhm about this Morning " he said nervously while his Right hand scratched behind his neck showing that he's nervous

I reach out my hand and put it on his right hand " Brent its okay , I'm not mad at you , I'm fine really " I say trying to comfort him , I know Brent won't do anything to hurt me and the fact that he came to apologize or that he even feels bad is enough to Me

"I'm sorry jess , I didn't want to tell you but you saw what Riley was doing , I really am sorry "

" its okay really , I have to let go anyway " still trying to comfort him but really I should let go

" I'm proud of you little sis , I knew you were strong but not that strong " I chuckled and hit him on his arm playfully

" Now get out I have Tons of Math homework " I said as I pushed out of my bed

" alright alright chill " he said as he was going out of the door

" hey Brent " I said and he leans his head into the door frame

" yes jess "

" thank you " I say with a smile on my face , I really appreciate him apologizing and he knows it

" your welcome lil sis , come everyday " he flashes me a smile then he's out of my room

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