Ch.6|Mr. Spotty Foot

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Song: A Step You Can't Take Back
Artist : Keira Knightly

As I walk behind the other teacher while hanging on tightly to my bag straps I try to find out why or what did I do to get called for the principal on my first day ? I'mnot the troublemaker type that's so not me especially not on the first day

I mean that won't give a good impression would it ? , maybe I'm overreacting maybe there's something wrong with my schedule or something I'm sure its nothing , inhale exhale slowly ,its probably not that big of deal right ? , inhale exhale slowly I keep reminding myself to breath slowly so that I won't get any panic attack

"We're here young lady , now you go in , I have paper work to do " I just nod and go for the door that has Principal Scott  with big letters on it , I knock two times before I hear a come in that's when I open the door and enter slowly , once I raise my head up I can see an old man with black hear that has a few white ones in it popping out , he has a well built body and is currently sitting behind his desk only showing his upper half

He has two chairs in front of his desk , a human sized mirror beside his disk , a picture of him behind his chair typicall principals kind of office , he's in his late forties with slight of grey hair in the middle of his black hair , he looks up from behind his glasses and looked at me questioning , I take that as a cue to talk  " I'm Jessica Anderson sir , you called out for me ? " the look fades from his face and recognization hitting him

" uh yea , sit down please " I take the chair back to give space to sit in and sit down , once I sit he starts talking again

" I underatand that this is your first day here , Right ? " I nod my head , my Palms are starting to get swetty from the tension , god I feel so nervous that my nerves pop on the palm of my hand

"I'all get to the point so you won't be late for launch , we have specific--" he was cut off with a knock on the door that caught us both by surprise , " uhm come in " the principal says again after realizing what has just happened

The door opened and I don't look behind me to see who came in but from curiosity I instead look at the mirror seeing a tall black , Missy haired boy , half of his hair is hidden behind his grey penny , he's wearing a black t-shirt and a jacket and a black jeans , he 's now completely in the principal's office " Principal Scott , Ms.Bamella said that you wanted to see me " he spoke

I wonder if i run out of the door will they catch me ? , The principal looks at me and then at him and nod for him in order to come in  , urgh I guess there's no backing out now. " uh please sit down Mr Jones I'll talk to you once I finish with this fine lady "

The boy simply nods and takes the seat next to mine , his scent hits me like a thunder storm , he smells like a Forest after a day of Raining , that fresh smell of the grass and its somehow familiar, before I could remember or dig dipper in my memory the principal talks " so Mrs Anderson I understand that you were an A's student in your old school , Am I correct ? " I nod and wonder why he's asking

" I expect nothing less than this from you Mrs Anderson , I was Wondering if you could totur some of our fall back students , and I'll make sure to put it your records I heard that you're aiming high for college" I nod to him , I open my mouth to speak but was interrupted by the bell to say that I was saved by the bell won't be too much

" well do consider my proposition Mrs Anderson , I expect you to answer by the day after tomorrow maximum " I get up and nod and fetch my bag and quickly slide it on my shoulder , I look at that mirror in a second and find out that this boy is looking at me when he was about to look at my reflection I get out of there in a heartbeat of a minute

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