part one

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As a hormonal teenage girl just desperate for some action, I couldn’t help but sigh dreamily at the fact that the boy I had been swooning over for about a year gave me his snapchat. I mean, he clearly wants me, right? As I sat on my bed, mentally squealing, I had my phone in one hand and a wrinkled slip of paper in the other. I tried to decipher what was poorly written on it, but it just wasn’t working.

“Clara!” I called and watched her barge in with her eyebrow raised.

“What is it?”

“Is this a 2 or a z?” I pouted.

“A 2? Maybe? Who the fuck wrote this? A dog?” She scrunched up her nose. “Their writings horrid.”

“Thanks for the input,” I rolled my eyes at my older sister. “And actually it was Tyler Smith!” I practically sang.

Tyler Smith was godly and he had given me, Ella Greene, his snapchat. He had messy dark curls and these blue eyes that like, bore into your soul or whatever. I’d probably do whatever he asked me to, if we’re being honest. You can’t say no to a guy that looks like him.

“That fool you’ve been stalking since last November?” She scoffed.

“I have not been stalking him!”

“Whatever. What is this?” She motioned to the paper still in her hands.

“It’s his snapchat,” I smirked.

“Oh fucking hell, Ella. Be smart about this,” she tossed it into my lap and left my room, closing the door behind her. I mocked her, even though she was gone. Clara was a freshman in college, and barely two years older than me but thought she was so high and mighty and knew everything. I got up and locked the door, adding the username into my snapchat list. What harm could a stupid picture do? I pulled my shirt over my head, completely aware of what I wanted, and how I was going to get it.





“Luke, hurry the fuck up. Stop hogging the bathroom,” Ashton whined from outside the door. I opened it to come face to face with him.

“My hair doesn’t quiff itself!” I explained, pointing at the blonde strands on my head.

“Maybe you should shave your head,” he brushed his shoulder with mine on the way into the bathroom.

“Maybe you should live on campus,” I stuck my tongue out childishly at him and went to my room. Ash and I got along pretty well, and I was actually happy when he decided to stay home instead of at a dorm, but it was fun to annoy him about it. I wouldn’t want to be stuck with mum and Bruce, Ashton’s dad, on my own. They were still so lovey dovey after all these years it made me sick, and even feel like a third wheel. No thanks.

I flopped myself on my bed, checking my phone. I replied to the text I had from Calum talking about how fit some of the girls at school were, and ignored the many from Ashton telling me to get out of the bathroom. I disregarded my twitter notifications, knowing there was probably nothing too important and checked my snapchat. 

The little button in the upper right corner of my friends list indicated someone had added me, and I checked to find who I thought was the girl I was practically in love with- Emily Garfield. She had these brown eyes that reminded me of caramel, and pretty blond hair that always smelled good. I didn't know how she had gotten my snapchat, considering we rarely talk, but I wasn't complaining. Upon accepting, I had a snapchat from her waiting for me. I opened it and nearly dropped my phone, unable to close my mouth.

"ASHTON! I'VE GOT BOOBS!" I called out loudly to my older brother.

"What the fuck are you on about, Lucas?" He entered the room and I turned the phone to him with two seconds to spare in the snap. "Who's were those?" He gaped at me. 

"Emily Garfield," I grinned at him and then frowned. "Fuck, what do I do?"

"That is up to you, young Hemmings," he told me with a smirk as he walked out of my room, shutting the door behind him.


pic on the side of when ash and luke looked like brothers i cry

snapchat ⋙ luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now