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josh's point of view

the next morning, i walk into tyler's cafe with a nervous smile on my face. he's helping a customer, someone ive never seen before. most of his customers are regularly stopping by, and im in here just about every day, so its odd when i don't know someone.

i take my usual seat regardless and wait for tyler to finish up with the girl he's talking to. when he finishes and she walks away with a coffee, a smile, and one of tyler's new pastries, he comes to me.

"hey," he smiles a little at me and i melt.

dating is so exciting. the butterflies, the anticipation...

"hi," i smile back at him. "how are you?" i ask, not really sure how else to start a conversation.

"im good. your usual?" he asks, his eyebrows raising a little in question and then turning to make it when i nod.

"thank you," i take the coffee from him and look down into the cup. "have you been very busy today? ive never seen her before."

"yeah. i put out a few ads and stuff about free sampling my new pastries for today only. tons of people have been coming by."

as if on cue, the bell above the door rings and someone else walks in. two someone else's actually. two girls enter, hand in hand.

one of them says something too quiet to hear and the other nods. they step up to tyler and the taller orders for them both.

tyler gets their coffee to them and they take seats across from each other in a booth by the window.

the 'this could be us, but u playin',' meme comes into mind and i clear my throat, bringing tyler's attention back to me.

"um, anyway, i had a good time last night," i smile a little thinking back on it. when i dropped him off at his apartment he kissed my cheek, and i thought about it all night like a teenage girl.

"we should do it again sometime. maybe i could make you dinner and we could watch a movie at my place," he says, avoiding eye contact with me yet again.

"that sounds fun," i take a sip of my coffee and try to keep my excitement at bay. "next friday?"

"sure," i take another sip. "now that that's out of the way, can i have my free sample?"

tyler laughs a little and takes a few from under the display of treats. he sets one on a napkin and hands it to me. "im glad you like them."

"who wouldn't? they're amazing," i eat most of it in one bite and then take a sip of my drink to wash it down.

"thank you," his smiles and rearranges the pastries on the plate.

i look down at my watch and sigh. "i have to get to work soon."

his face falls a little but he nods. "before you go, did i ever give you my number?"

"no," i go to pull out my phone but hes already writing it on a napkin, which i find adorable.

"here. text me or something," he flashes me one last smile before he leaves to wipe a few tables.

i make my way out of the cafe, tucking the napkin safely into my pocket before getting on my motorcycle and speeding away.

when i get back to work, my assistant stephani smiles at me.

"hey, boss. how are you?"

i shrug. "fine. i finally got that guy's phone number," i tell her.

she lights up at this admission, sitting up a little straighter with wide eyes. "the one from lemondrop? spill the tea."

"well, we went on a date last night-"

"you went on a date and didnt tell me? i thought we were friends," she holds her hand to her chest in mock offense.

"it was a spur of the moment thing," i laugh a little at how dramatic she's being, but also because i feel a bit awkward being put on the spot.

"what did you do?" she leans back in her chair again. "did you-"

"i already know what youre going to say," i interuppt her before she can finish, "and no. we didn't. we just went out for dinner."

"dinner. is that some gay slang for sex?"

"stephani, i really hate you sometimes," i shake my head and walk away from her and into my office.

when i sit behind my desk, i pull out my phone and the napkin tyler gave me.

i put the number in my contacts and then type out a text.

from josh: hey, this is josh :)

i press send and then go back to my work. he texts me back five minutes later, and i resist the urge to look at it immediately. im not that desperate, am i?

i am.

i pull my phone out and read the message.

from tyler: hey :)

from josh: how's work?

from tyler: im on my break. you?

from josh: im extremely bored

from tyler: maybe you should occupy yourself with something. maybe,,, idk,,, work?

from josh: but its boring :(

from tyler: so is living on the street because you got fired for not doing your work

from josh: ok mom

from tyler: ok dad

from josh: i prefer daddy ;)

after i press send with the last text i drop my phone onto my desk and roll my chair back. i really hope he doesnt take it the wrong way. it was a joke...

for the most part.

(an: lmfao editing and i forgot about stephani hahahah )

coffee // joshlerWhere stories live. Discover now