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josh's point of view
note: small time skip

today, i have the day off. tyler on the other hand, is not as fortunate. quite the opposite actually. he's been busy all day.

hes been texting me every chance he gets, but it's rare.

from josh: i miss you. i hope your day gets easier :(

from tyler: me too :(

the day drags on slowly, and i spend most of it watching netflix and thinking about tyler.

its only been three months or so since we've started dating, and the honeymoon phase still is in full swing. i find myself missing him even though i saw him yesterday.

when the clock eventually tells me that it's time for lemondrop to close, i grab my coat and keys and leave my apartment to pick up tyler.

when i get there, he's counting the money from the register. he smiles so widely when he sees me, i feel myself melt into a puddle of mush.

"hey, baby boy," i smile back at him and he sets the money in its place, walking as quickly as he can to hug me.

"josh," he says nothing but my name, hugging me tightly. "im almost done, i promise. i have to recount the money and then make sure everyone else is done. then we can go."

i nod and kiss the top of his head, taking a seat at the counter to wait. he finishes relatively quickly and then leads me to the back.

everyone seems just about done, so we wait and chit-chat until the last of the work is done.

"good work today, guys," tyler smiles at everyone and holds the door open as we leave.

the rest of the employees go to their cars, and i hold tyler's hand as we walk to my motorcycle.

"you feeling alright, ty?" i put his helmet on for him and caress his cheek with my hand.

he leans into it, his eyes closing. "'m wanna be small."

"you can be small as soon as we get to my apartment, angel."

he nods and we get onto my bike. i drive us to my apartment complex and he holds tight to my sweater as we ride.

we get up to my apartment and i help him out of his jacket.

"come on, love. ill start you a bath and you can relax, yeah?" i take his hand and squeeze it.

im hoping a bubble bath and some cartoons will push him further into littlespace so he can relax. he really has been working hard lately. his cafe is gaining popularity, which is stressful for him.

he nods instead of replying verbally and i open my arms again. "can i carry you?"

i feel awkward about asking until he blushes and nods, a small smile gracing his his face.

"mhm," he replies, letting me scoop him up into my arms. he nuzzles his head into my shoulder and i carry him to the bathroom

he sits on the sink counter and i kiss his cheek before i move away to start the water.

as the tub fills up, i help tyler take his clothes off. not in a sexual way, though.

"just let me take care of you, pumpkin. relax."

he nods, still silent. its a very intimate thing, and im glad he's comfortable enough with me to let me help him with things like this.

i wash his hair for him and he plays happily with his small toy boat.


"one second, sweetheart. look up for me," i wait for him to look up and then rinse the soap out of his hair. "okay, whats up, butter-cup?"

he giggles a little. "i love you."

"and i love you."

"thank you," his small smile remains on his face, soft and full of adoration.

"for what?" i lift the stopper of the tub and help him stand before i wrap him in a towel and carry him to my room.

he sits on the bed and waits while i find a pair of comfortable pajamas for him. "being the best daddy ever."

my heart is a pile of mush in my chest once again and i kiss his cheek. "anything for you, baby boy."

i slip a shirt onto his head and he giggles when it gets stuck on his hair and covers his face. "daddy, i disappeared. i a ghost! you cant see me anymore!"

i gasp, pretending to be shocked. "oh, no! where did my little tyler go?"

he laughs more and tugs the shirt down. "i was right here the whole time! i tricked you," he pokes my cheek and i gasp again.

"there you are, silly boy!"

once i get tyler dressed, he asks if he can turn on a movie.

"what if we make a blanket fort first? would you like that, little one?" i run a hand through his damp hair.

his eyes widen and his lips turn up. "really? a blanket fort?"

"mhm. we can build it over the couch and watch a movie before bed," i smile back at him and he tackles me in a hug, wrapping his arms around my neck.

"i love youuuu!"

"i love you, too," i kiss his cheek and he pulls away from our hug to run to the living room.

i bring a few blankets and pillows and we begin to make the fort. tyler attempts to bring one of the chairs from the kitchen, but i stop him.

"let daddy do this part, love. why don't you go set up the pillows, okay?" i kiss his forehead and he nods.

"im on it!" he marches back to the living room and i lug the chair into the room after him.

when i get into the room, he's got one of the sheets over his head and he's laughing quietly.

i smile and set the chair down. "oh, no! tyler disappeared again! where did my baby go?"

he stifles his laughter and speaks up. "ooooo, im a ghost!" he holds his arms out and walks towards me.

"ahhh! a spooky ghost! im so scared!" i take a few steps to the side and when he gets closer, i grab him by his waist and pick him up. i lay him down on the couch and throw the sheet on the ground so that i can tickle him.

he laughs. "no, you can't tickle me! im a scary ghost!"

i stop tickling him and kiss his red cheeks. "you're too cute to be scary. now, lets make our fort, yeah?"

after we make our fort, we lay down and tyler picks a movie.

"can we watch nemo?"

"whatever you like, little one."

he blushes and selects finding nemo and then cuddles up closer to me. he's asleep before the movie ends and i let my eyes close and fall asleep after.

(an: hello friends)

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