Chapter 4

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“Dude, you make it look so easy! The guys not so scary anymore after seeing the way he acts around you. Like, I actually saw him almost smile! And not like a murderous one! He almost looked like a normal human being for once!”

Since he had sat down, Kaminari had been going on and on about how much Kirishima had been managing to get away with over the past few days.

Kirishima smiled, his cheeks flushing as his mind began filling with images of Bakugou.

The slight curve of his mouth when he’s fighting back smiles. The soft tone of voice he uses when other people aren’t around. The way he chews on his lips when he’s focusing on what you’re saying. How raising a single eyebrow is enough to challenge Kirishima to do better, to work harder.

I adore him, he thinks, but what comes out instead is a simple:

“I told you he’s not so bad.”

Jirou leans over, shooting a grin at Kirishima before turning to Kaminari.

“I dare you to put your arm around Bakugou.”

Kaminari blinks for a few moments, staring at her, before what she said completely computes and he begins to shake his head rapidly.

“I’m not touching him! Bakugou may not blow Kirishima up for it, but he definitely will if it’s me!”

Jirou’s smirk widens, her dark eyes sparkling with mischief, as she leant forward a little bit more.

“I’ll give you ¥2000.” She offered, and Kaminari was on his feet by the time she finished her sentence, walking determinedly in Bakugou’s direction.

“This is a really bad idea.” Kirishima groaned, leaning his face into his hands, but peering to the side to watch the scenario play out.

Bakugou had headphones in, his phone in hand, as he walked towards his usual table.

Kaminari rushed to catch up, and slid to a stop beside him, immediately throwing an arm around his shoulders, his fingertips catching on the headphones and pulling them from Bakugou’s ears as he clutched him in a half hug.

Bakugou jumped slightly and glanced to the side, meeting eyes with Kaminari, who was grinning hugely and babbling, asking what he was listening to and what he was having for lunch.

As soon as they met eyes, Bakugou knocked Kaminari’s arm off of him, the palm of his hand smoking with small rapid blasts as he shoved it into Kaminari’s chest, knocking him into the table beside them.

Kaminari let out a pained yelp, gripping his gut as Bakugou glowered at him, his hand still up defensively as he spoke.

“If you fuckin ever try and touch me again, I’ll fuckin blow your arm off and beat you to death with it.” Bakugou growled, his voice venomous, before turning and stomping over to his table, dropping himself into a heavy slouch on his seat, arms folded over his stomach.

“Guess he hasn’t changed that much…” Jirou muttered, sounding equally disappointed and amused.

Kaminari jogged back to his group, hand still clutching his gut dramatically.

“Sheesh, bit of an overkill, don’t you guys think?!” he whined, hitting Jirou on the arm with his bag as she began to laugh uncontrollably, “Give me my money!”

Still laughing, Jirou chucked a few notes in his direction, her eyes teary as her body continued to shake.

“So worth it.” She giggled, shaking her head at him before walking back over to where Momo was sitting, immediately telling her what happened.

Momo pursed her lips, clearly trying not to smile, as she began to scold Jirou for encouraging Bakugou’s behaviour and putting another classmate at risk.

“He’s so mean! To think a part of me thought he might not be such a dick now that he has made a friend!” Kaminari whimpered, but his stomach appeared to be miraculously better as he scooped up the money and shoved it into his wallet.

Kirishima sighed, glancing over to where Bakugou was.

While Bakugou hadn’t exactly looked happy when he first came into the cafeteria, he hadn’t been scowling the way he was now, his lunch sitting untouched in front of him as he glared out the window.

He hadn’t even put his headphones back in, they laid tangled on top of his bag, disconnected from his phone.

Kirishima couldn’t help but feel a sense of resentment towards his friends for knowingly stirring Bakugou up, and apparently ruining his mood.

A pit was developing in his stomach as he thought that maybe this would ruin his progress.

Maybe Bakugou won’t even let him touch him now.

What if Kirishima leaning against him and nudging his leg under the table is forbidden now, swallowed up by his reminder of how much Bakugou hates to be touched by others?

Kirishima felt ill at the thought, the pit in his stomach growing deeper and darker as his imagination went wild.

What if he has to start again from scratch?

Or worse, what if Bakugou never lets him touch him again?

Deciding it wasn’t manly to give up without even testing the waters, Kirishima rose to his feet and walked over to Bakugou’s table and sitting beside him.

Bakugou scowled harder, shooting a glare in his direction.

“Tch. What the fuck are you sitting with me for?! Go sit with your best bro Drooly.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm and hostility, and Kirishima had to fight very hard not to flinch from the tone.

“I’d rather sit with you! Besides, you’re my best bro, not him!” He grinned widely, showing off all of his teeth, before continuing, “Don’t get me wrong, he’s a great bro, but he’s not my best bro!”

Bakugou huffed, but Kirishima swore he relaxed slightly at the words, his expression turning from murderous to irritated.

Kirishima deemed that a success, and decided to keep going, hoping his presence wasn’t doing more harm than good.

“Hey man, I was thinking! This morning was really fun, maybe we should, like, make a thing out of it? Not that early of course, cause I would die, but maybe like 5am or something? Unless you don’t want to, which is also cool, but I think it could be fun? I mean, I’m not as fast as you, so it might not be as good for you but… yeah…” he trailed off, rubbing the back of his neck with an awkward grin.

Bakugou glanced at him from the corner of his eye, his lower lip sucked between his teeth as it always is when he’s paying attention, before he nodded, looking back to his lunch tray and picking up his apple, rolling it in his hands.

“Whatever…” Bakugou mumbled, and Kirishima absolutely beamed, his cheeks hurting slightly by smiling so much.

Taking a chance, he wriggled closer in his seat, until their shoulders bumped lightly like they usually were.

When Bakugou didn’t move away, Kirishima felt as though his smile might just rip his face in half, or he was going to spontaneously combust from happiness.

And when Bakugou moved his foot, pressing the length of his leg against the length of Kirishima’s, their thighs pressed tightly together under the table, he truly believed no one in the history of mankind had ever felt this happy.

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