Chapter 5

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When Kirishima finally got back to the common room, it was nearly dark.

Kaminari, Mina, and himself had served another detention with Aizawa after school due to their endless chattering in his class, which hadn’t been so bad. Aizawa tended to nod off during detention, leaving his prisoners to whisper conversations in the back of the room.

Opening the door and stepping inside, his eyes automatically scanned the room, looking for the spiky blonde hair that he had missed out on seeing after school.

His nose was filled with a delicious scent as he walked further into the room, and his stomach growled in protest as he ignored the temptation to go straight to the kitchen to find food, and scanned the room again, hoping Bakugou hadn’t already gone back to his room like he usually does.

Mina and Kaminari had gone straight to the couch, joking and babbling away while they played Mario Kart. He could see Midoriya sitting at a table with Todoroki, their heads bowed close together as they whispered a quiet conversation, textbooks spread out between them. Momo and Jirou were versing each other in chess, Jirou stomping one foot childishly as Momo took another of her pieces and added it to her large pile, a small smile gracing her lips.

Sighing as he realized Bakugou was no where in sight, he gave in to his growling stomach and walked into the kitchen, where he was immediately greeted by the source of the amazing smell.

Bakugou’s cooking.

He looked up when Kirishima entered the room, and gave a small hum in greeting, before turning back to the stove, where he was serving up what appeared to be rice and chicken wings drowned in a red sauce.

Kirishima pranced over to him, pausing when he got to his side and peered at the food.

His nose burnt slightly from the smell, and he suddenly remembered how much Bakugou loved spicy food.

“Looks good dude! You must be a really good cook,” he cooed in awe, before turning and walking over to the fridge to look inside, “Unlike me, I’m hopeless at it!

When he didn’t see anything that looked appetising, he turned and was immediately greeted by Bakugou, who was standing with two plates. He held one of them out in front of him in Kirishima’s direction, and Kirishima just stood there for a moment, staring at the food.

“Do you want it or not?” Bakugou muttered when Kirishima didn’t respond.

Bakugou’s cheeks were strangely flushed, and he rose one eyebrow.

“DUDE!” Kirishima cheered, darting forward and taking the plate, before grinning widely at Bakugou, “You’re the best!”

“Tch. Whatever.” Bakugou moved forward, taking hold of Kirishima’s elbow and tugging, leading him out of the kitchen.

Kirishima moved along beside him, letting himself be lead as he continued internally screaming at the fact that Bakugou had made him food.

They walked upstairs to the dorm rooms, Bakugou still holding Kirishima’s elbow lightly, only dropping it when they got to Bakugou’s door.

Kirishima turned to look at Bakugou, confused as to whether this was Bakugou’s way of inviting him to eat together, watching as Bakugou unlocked his door and used his foot to push it open.

When Kirishima didn’t follow him inside, Bakugou turned and rose an eyebrow at him, that being all the encouragement he needed to walk in.

Bakugou’s room was surprisingly neat, no unnecessary clutter or decorations anywhere, bar one enormous All Might poster hanging above his bed.

Kirishima moved further, going and sitting on the edge of the bed with his plate on his lap as he watched Bakugou move around the room.

He first placed his food on the bed next to Kirishima, before going over and setting up his TV, hooking it up to his laptop and taking the mouse with him as he returned to sit beside Kirishima.

“What are we gonna watch?” Kirishima piped up as Bakugou opened up Netflix on his browser.

Kirishima began eating then, and the food tasted so good he actually moaned at it, his eyes closed. It was definitely spicy, but not so bad that he couldn’t tolerate it.

When he opened his eyes, Bakugou was staring at him, a crease lined between his eyebrows and his lip sucked in between his teeth again.

Kirishima couldn’t help but stare, mesmerised by the strong curve of Bakugou’s jaw, and the several loose strands of hair that fell over his eyes.

After a moment, Kirishima realized that Bakugou was waiting for a verdict on his cooking.

Kirishima smirked, looking away before taking another massive bite, moaning again for the emphasis, then after swallowing, gave Bakugou an enormous grin, leaning over to nudge his shoulder.

“This is amazing dude! You should cook for me more often!” He said the last part teasingly, and was rewarded by Bakugou rolling his eyes, a ghost of a smile hovering on his lips.

“Fuck that.” Bakugou murmured, before clicking on a movie.

Kirishima looked up towards the screen and had to bite down on his tongue in order to avoid whining out loud.

The opening scene of The Conjuring, a popular horror movie from a few years ago, was playing. The scene was familiar, due to the amount of times Kirishima had began the movie before wimping out and turning it off again.

Bakugou moved back, leaning against the wall, as he began to eat, eyes on the screen.

It was barely ten minutes into the film, after they had both finished their food and put their plates aside, that Kirishima let out a small squeak and wriggled back on the bed, curling into a ball beside Bakugou. He grabbed a cushion, holding it at his knees, and every time he began to freak out, he lifted it to hide his face.

He could feel Bakugou’s questioning looks burning into the side of his face, but he couldn’t handle the shame of admitting that he was afraid, so he kept his eyes firmly glued to the screen.

After one too many jump scares, he lost his self-control and buried his face in Bakugou’s shoulder, his knees falling onto his friends lap as he whimpered.

Peering up at Bakugou, he was surprised to see that he was looking at him too, a small smirk on his lips.

“Seriously? You’re scared of this shit?” he teased, bringing one hand up and brushing Kirishima’s hair out of his face, fingertips lingering on his cheek for a moment. His hand was so warm, and Kirishima found himself leaning into the touch, his eyes fluttering closed.

When he opened them again, Bakugou’s eyes were half-lidded, his expression unusually soft, as they just stared, Kirishima finding himself yet again lost in the deep red of his eyes.

His ethereal face was so close, and the warmth of his body pressed against his side gave Kirishima a strange longing he’d never felt before. He craved being closer, wanting nothing more than to simply close the distance between their lips, and finally discover what Bakugou tasted like, what it felt like to push his tongue in between those perfect lips.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was leaning forward, the call of Bakugou too much for him to handle.

Just before he sealed their lips together, their was a loud scream ripping from the TV speakers and shattering the moment.

Just like that, the spell was broken, and Kirishima was on his feet, rubbing his hand through his hair awkwardly.

Bakugou had his bottom lip between his teeth again, his expression a deadly scowl, as he stared at anything except for the other boy.

Kirishima felt tears prickling his eyes, threatening to fall, as the full gravity of what he had been about to do slammed on his shoulders like a ton of bricks.

“I- I’m so sorry- I’m just gonna…” he stuttered, before doing the least manly thing he had allowed himself to do in a long time.

He bolted out of the room.

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