Chapter 11

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Graphic smut••

The moment Kirishima felt Bakugou nod against his neck, that was it.

A heated growl that Kirishima barely recognised as his own voice ripped from his lips and he flipped their positions, pinning Bakugou against the wall. His hand moved up to grip Bakugou's chin, tilting his head back in order to gain better access when he instigated another kiss, his tongue immediately pushing into the other boys mouth.

Bakugou let out a gasp, his back arching against the wall, as he opened his mouth further, allowing Kirishima to explore his mouth with his tongue, running it along the roof of his mouth and massaging it against Bakugou's own, before dragging Bakugou's lower lip into his mouth and biting down.

Bakugou mewled, his voice ringing through the room, and Kirishima found himself feeling grateful it was so late in the night, otherwise the rest of the class would definitely hear them.

Bakugou's hands found Kirishima's waist then, and didn't hesitate to tighten his fingers into the fabric and yank on it, trying to tug it over Kirishima's head. A grin spread across Kirishima's lips, and he leant back, reaching a hand down to pull his shirt off, before latching back onto Bakugou, his lips venturing down the other boys jaw, trailing open mouth kisses as he went.

Bakugou let out an impatient huff, and he squirmed against Kirishima, trying to take his own clothes off, but failing due to the pressure of Kirishima's body against his own.

Kirishima chuckled, his voice coming out deeper than usual, and he moved his hands up, tearing Bakugou's shirt straight down the middle. He expected some sort of complaint from Bakugou at that, but the other boy simply growled, the sound vibrating low in his chest, before arching his back again, fingers curling into Kirishima's hair and pulling on the fiery strands.

Kirishima felt a moan force it's way out of his own mouth then, and he latched back onto Bakugou's neck, biting and sucking until dark bruises began blooming under his ministrations. Bakugou was shaking now, his entire body quivering with every touch, and Kirishima felt his heart swelling enormously in his chest that he could make Bakugou lose control like this.

Bakugou's hands were exploring all over Kirishima's bare chest now, running his fingertips along each crevasse of the rippling muscle on his stomach, before dipping his fingers down along his hipbones.
Kirishima shivered at the touch, and quickly lowered his own hands, gripping the band of Bakugou's track pants and shoving them down roughly as Bakugou did the same with his.

Once both of their pants were off, Kirishima shifted his hands to the back of Bakugou's thighs and hitched him up, using the wall behind him as a brace whilst he wrapped Bakugou's legs around his waist.

Bakugou mewled again, his hips bucking forward, rubbing his crotch insistently against Kirishima's lower stomach, before Kirishima gripped onto him tighter and carried him the couple steps over to the bed.

He flung them both down roughly, never moving away from Bakugou, as he hovered above them other boy, returning his lips to Bakugou's own.

They lapped and moaned into each other's mouths as their hips jutted desperately against the others, their cocks caught between their stomachs. Bakugou threw his head back, letting out a particularly loud moan, and Kirishima had to stop for a moment just to marvel at how inhumanly breathtaking the noise was.

Bakugou wasn't having that of course, and with another low growl, gripped onto Kirishima's shoulders tightly and flipped them over, pulling his knees up slightly so he was straddling the other boys lap.
His lips dropped down to Kirishima's ear, grazing his teeth along the earlobe for a moment before speaking, his voice breathless and husky.

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