Chapter 13

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Class was unusually quiet.

As Kaminari, Mina, and Kirishima were nearly always the source of the endless chatter, without them, the room stayed silent, the only sound being the scratching of pens on paper and the occasional scraping of chairs when someone adjusted their position in their seat.

Kaminari hadn't even opened his book. His face was rested between his hands, apparently oblivious to the worried looks Mina and Sero kept shooting in his direction.

Kirishima felt absolutely horrible for being the cause of his friends' pain, but he could still feel the lingering irritation at the other boy for kissing him when it was so clearly not wanted. He wanted to fix the situation, but if Kaminari couldn't keep his hands to himself, then Kirishima had no choice but to keep his distance.

Kirishima glanced over towards Bakugou, who was leaning over his book, pen flying across the page. He was harbouring his usual scowl, and occasionally his pen would halt, his jaw would tighten, and his eyes would flicker towards Kaminari before he would grit his teeth and return to writing.

He was clearly still fuming, and Kirishima couldn't really blame him. If the situation was reversed, if anyone had kissed Bakugou without permission, he would be just as angry.

Eventually, Jirou seemed to have had enough of the silence and let out a huff, leaning back in her seat to glance around the classroom.

"It feels like a morgue in here." She grumbled, and Kirishima let out a snort of amusement, meeting her eyes and nodding.

"Class is meant to be silent! I do not understand the issue!" Iida retorted, hand snapping up and down beside him with his fingers rigid and straight.

Jirou rose her eyebrows in disbelief, and a few other students began laughing at the exchange, Kirishima included.

It seemed to be just what was needed for the class to break the ice, and a few people began their usual quiet chatter as they returned to their work. Even Aizawa appeared to be relieved, shown by his lack of comments on the noise.


The moment the bell rang, Kirishima felt as though his bladder was about to burst, so he quickly swept all of his books into his bag and immediately jogged over to Bakugou. The other boy shoved his books away and looked up at Kirishima, raising an eyebrow.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll meet you in the cafeteria?" Kirishima asked, grinning widely at the other boy while hopping from one foot to the other.

Bakugou grunted, nodding once, and Kirishima smiled again before sprinting out of the room in the direction of the bathrooms.


As soon as he finished and walked over to wash his hands, he noticed Kaminari leaning against the wall, blocking his exit from the bathroom.

"Eijirou. Let me explain, please dude?" Kaminari murmured, moving forward a step.

Kirishima backed up a step and frowned, but gave a stiff nod in his direction.

Kaminari sighed, sounding relieved, and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, a small smile on his lips, "I was gonna tell you earlier ya know. 'Bout my feelings for you. I was just waiting for the right time or something, or for you to give a sign that you felt the same way."


"Let me finish," Kaminari butt in, cutting him off, "When I first noticed that you were attracted to Bakugou, it hurt. Of course it did. But I think I get it now."

Kirishima's eyes widened, and his heart began thumping rapidly in his chest. He felt as though he was gonna cry, due to how happy he was. Maybe he could actually have this?! Maybe he could actually keep Kaminari as a friend, and him be okay with his relationship with Bakugou?!

"Is it out of your system now that you have fucked him?"

And just like that.

His newfound hope shattered like glass on the concrete.

Kirishima's mouth fell open, staring at the other boy in shock. Kaminari was smirking now, and his eyes appeared slightly unfocused, almost glazed over as he stared at the other boy.

"I don't unders- What are you... What the fuck?" Kirishima spluttered, and he could feel the familiar heat of his blood rushing up to his neck and cheeks.

Kaminari snickered, taking another step forward. The look on his face was beginning to give Kirishima chills. There was something so wrong about it. The way he was looking at him was almost predatory, the way a lion might look at an injured antelope.

"He hasn't been there Eijirou. He hasn't been there for you through everything," Kaminari's eyes flashed in the light, and Kirishima could feel the way the air in the room prickled with static electricity, "Not the way I have. You're mine Eijirou. Not his."

I need to get out of here, Kirishima thought suddenly, eyes flickering around the room quickly. Kaminari was in front of the only exit, and although it was clear he wasn't in his right mind right now, Kirishima didn't know if he had it in him to hurt his friend. Even if he tried to push past him, he could see the electrical current running over the other boys' skin, making him hyper aware of what would happen if he touched him.

"Denki. Don't do this." Kirishima cautioned, putting his hardened hands up in front of him in warning. Kaminari's smirk simply grew wider, and he shook his head, blonde locks flopping about with the movement.

"You have to trust me Eijirou. You love me too, I know you do. I just need to make you realize it too." As he spoke, he took another step forward, one hand reaching in front of him as his eyes ran down Kirishima's frame, his tongue poking out and running over his own lips as he did so.

It was at that moment that Kirishima felt his heart stutter in his chest, fear wrapping its chains tightly around his insides and squeezing tightly, choking the breath out of him. Before he knew what he was doing, his body went in autopilot and his entire body hardened before he rammed forward, charging out the door and sprinting in the direction of the cafeteria.

As soon as he burst the door open, he barrelled across the room and dived into Bakugou's chest, wrapping his arms tightly around the other boy.

"What the fu-" Bakugou began, before his mouth snapped shut as Kirishima let out a choked sob.

Kirishima was shaking uncontrollably now, and Bakugou's hands tightened around him, pulling him impossibly closer into his chest as one hand petted the other boys hair. Kirishima could smell the familiar smoke coming from Bakugou's palms, and he let out another breathless sob, burrowing his face into Bakugou's neck.


His friend.

His bro.

Kirishima hiccupped as his body shook, quivering against Bakugou's strong frame. It was only when Bakugou spoke, his voice deadly, that Kirishima forced in a deep breath.


Kirishima nodded.

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