Chapter 16

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One thing that Kaminari quickly discovered about Monoma, is that the boy worked fast. The moment Kaminari had agreed to the plan, Monoma had given him a wide smile, petted him on the top of the head, and told him wait for further instructions. He seemed very confident in his own abilities to unravel this plan flawlessly, leaving Kaminari with no choice but to trust the other boy.

The only request Kaminari had made was to make sure that his perfect Eijirou wasn’t in pain when his blood was taken. Monoma had chuckled at this and promised that he wouldn’t feel a thing. Apparently, Kirishima would be kept unconscious during the entire ordeal, and wouldn’t be woken back up until after the plan had been executed and his relationship with Bakugou was over.

Kaminari lifted his head, gazing over his shoulder at Kirishima.

Kirishima was drawing in his school book, the pink tip of his tongue poking out cutely from between his teeth as he concentrated. Kirishima didn’t look up at any point, although Kaminari felt sure he had to know he was being stared at.
It didn’t matter if the other boy was still angry at him.

All that mattered was that in a few short hours, when Bakugou was stuck in detention, the plan would be underway, and Kirishima would be his.


Kirishima waited with Bakugou at the door to Aizawa’s classroom.

One of the students from class 1B was talking to the hero at the moment, babbling about something with exaggerated hand gestures, Aizawa looking faintly amused by the antics.

Kirishima sighed, turning and wrapping his arms around Bakugou’s waist.

“Do you think Aizawa would allow me to serve detention with you?” Kirishima whined, pressing his forehead against Bakugou’s shoulder.

Bakugou snickered, placing one hand on Kirishima’s lower back and pulling the other boy closer into his side.


Kirishima whined again, and without looking, he knew Bakugou was rolling his eyes at him. The student talking to Aizawa finally finished then, and thanked the teacher with a deep bow, before taking a sheet of paper from his hand and headed for the door.

“Bakugou. Kirishima.” He greeted as he passed them, his voice sounding irritatingly smug, a small smirk situated on his lips to match.

Bakugou scowled at him, and Monoma’s grin widened before he sauntered away, disappearing around the corner.

Bakugou turned then, titling his head slightly to press a soft kiss against Kirishima’s waiting lips. Kirishima sighed gently, and pressed into it, a shiver tingling its way down his spine. He was never going to get enough of the feeling of Bakugou’s lips on his. The taste of Bakugou was like nothing else. It was a drug to him.

All too soon, Bakugou was leaning away, and Kirishima found himself chasing his lips. Bakugou smirked slightly at that, his eyes soft as they met Kirishima’s own.


“I know, I know… One more?”

Bakugou rolled his eyes, but leant in, sealing their mouths together for another few seconds, before pulling away and trudging into the classroom, his feet dragging reluctantly as he went.

Kirishima sighed and began walking towards the cafeteria.

When he was nearly there, his ears picked up on the sound of someone crying around the back of the English block. It sounded like a young girl, hiccuping through half muffled sobs, and without thinking, he ran around the side of the building in search for her.

Almost immediately, he spotted the culprit. She had her back to him, blonde locks pulled into messy buns on either side of her head. She had an absolutely tiny frame, and her petite shoulders quivered with each of her sobs.

Kirishima stumbled forward a few steps, his concerns about to be voiced, when he heard someone behind him. As soon as he spun around, he was face to face with a student from class 1B, the one who had been speaking with Aizawa just before.

“You’d think pros would be more careful about allowing me to touch them, considering my quirk and all.” The student- Monoma, Kirishima recalled suddenly- drawled, flashing his teeth in a grin. His skin was releasing a soft violet mist, surrounding Kirishima with it.

Something about the mist tugged on Kirishima’s memory and he quickly stopped his intake of breath, his trust in the other boy dwindling.

“What are you on ab-” Kirishima began, before feeling something sharp stab into the back of his thigh. He let out a surprised gasp, inhaling a large amount of the mist, and turned to see the girl beaming up at him, her fingers clutching a tube connected to his thigh.

Kirishima immediately tried to harden his body in order to snap the needle in him, but when nothing happened, he shot a glance over his shoulder at Monoma, whose eyes were a glowing red, his skin no longer emitting the mist.

He’s using Midnight and Aizawa’s quirks, Kirishima realised, but his conclusion had been made too late. His mind was already filled with a thick fog, clouding his eyes over and relaxing his unwilling limbs. After a few more seconds, the ground was rushing up to meet his face, and his vision turned black.


“So… you’re a villain?”

Monoma glanced at Kaminari, before rolling his eyes at the question. Toga was curled in a ball on his lap, a straw sitting between her lips as she drank the blood they had collected. Kaminari was sitting on the ground, head of the unconscious Kirishima on his thigh as he ran his fingers through the boys’ crimson hair.

Monoma ignored the question, but Kaminari couldn’t bring himself to care. Bakugou would be leaving detention right about now, and the sound of Toga’s straw dragging at air meant it was finally time.

The elfin blonde girl bounced to her feet, licking her lips with a manic smile, before spinning on her heel to face Monoma.

“You remember what I said?” Monoma asked, a fond expression in his eyes. Toga’s smile widened further, and she nodded rapidly.

“Yep, yep! Stick to the script, don’t smile at him, and don’t touch or stab him!”

Kaminari frowned slightly and looked back down at Kirishima. He knew the boy in his lap would never forgive him if he were to ever find out about this, but he’d given him no choice.

“You belong to me, my precious Eijirou. Everything will be okay, just you wait and see.” He whispered, leaning down to press a lingering kiss to the side of the red heads face.

Toga squealed at the sight, bouncing up and down on the spot, “True love, true love, so cute! I’m ready, let’s do this now!”

When Kaminari next looked up, Kirishima was standing in front of him. Or, at least, Toga as Kirishima. She gave a quick twirl, before prancing forward and kissing Monoma on top of the head.

“I’m off! Wish me luck!”

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