Chapter 8

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Kirishima was a lot of things.

He was highly tolerant, and unshakably loyal. He adored all things manly; passion, determination, bravery; People who carried the heart of a lion.

Bakugou obviously ticked all his boxes for what he sought in others, his sheer manliness being a huge part of his appeal. It came so naturally to the other boy, he never had to think about it.

It was simply how he was.

For quite some time now, Kirishima has been good mates with Kaminari, and although the other boy could be a bit thick sometimes, Kirishima considered him to be a manly guy too.

Which is why it baffled him that Kaminari was currently avoiding him like the plague.

After their interaction that morning, every time Kirishima got near, Kaminari would bolt. It didn't matter if he was half way through a sentence, or if he had to speed walk in the wrong direction from his classes, he was avoiding Kirishima with everything he had.

And Kirishima, for the life of him, couldn't work out what he had done wrong! He had run through all of their past interactions from this week in his head, trying to pinpoint the moment that things had changed, but he kept coming up short. It all seemed so normal! Jokes were made, they would tease each other, spar, and complain about school work like they always had.

So where had he gone wrong?

Bakugou could tell something was wrong of course, Kirishima's occasional quiet huffs of frustration when he thought too much about his friend gave him away.

They were currently lounged together in front of the common room TV. Bakugou was slouched, legs apart with one arm along the back of the couch, and Kirishima was beside him, laying on his back, legs over the arm of the chair, with his head on Bakugou's thigh.

Kirishima was just staring up at him, memorising the curve of his jaw, sharp enough to cut diamond, and the defined line of his cheekbones as they cast light shadows on his cheeks. Kirishima ran his eyes along his features, drinking in the sight of his straight nose and the ever present creases between his pale eyebrows. His eyes almost seemed alive, the fire in them appeared to dance and smoulder around his pupil. They were so sharp, his keen intelligence glimmering beneath the surface.

Kirishima sighed again.

He really was so gone for him.

Completely and utterly smitten.

Bakugou's eyes flashed down then, meeting Kirishima's. Kirishima grinned widely, aware they he had been caught staring. Bakugou simply cocked an eyebrow, then looked back up to the screen. The corners of his lips had twitched upwards slightly, and Kirishima could see the full rising of Bakugou's chest as he inhaled a particularly large breath.

Without looking back down, Bakugou's hand inched over, lightly pushing themselves into the red strands of Kirishima's hair, curling his fingers around them for a moment, before letting go again and returning his hand to it's previous position.
Kirishima grinned even wider, and rolled slightly, nuzzling the hard muscle of Bakugou's stomach. He showered that spot in small kisses, pecking it repeatedly with growing pressure, until Bakugou snorted and wiggled back, his hand moving to his mouth to stifle a chuckle.

"Fuckin tickles." Bakugou muttered, his voice still ringing with the sound of his buried amusement.

Kirishima rolled then, peering back up to Bakugou with a cheeky grin, before rolling again and nipping down on Bakugou's stomach.

"Oi, watch it Shark Week!" Bakugou grunted, but other than his stomach tensing against Kirishima, he didn't make a move to stop him. Instead, a small smirk spread on Bakugou's lips and he reached down, shoving his fingers into Kirishima's ribs, immediately causing the other boy to desolve into helpless giggles, squirming about like a fish on land, before flinging himself into an upright position and pretending to glare at Bakugou.

Bakugou smirked wider, before gripping Kirishima's chin between his thumb and forefinger, guiding him into a kiss.

Kirishima immediately melted against the other boy, his hands curling into the fabric of Bakugou's shirt, as he pressed forward eagerly. Bakugou drew Kirishima's lower lip into his mouth slightly, dragging his teeth over it, before giving another soft peck and moving back, his hand dropping back to the couch.

Kirishima swayed for a moment, his eyes wide as he gazed at Bakugou, his mind spinning as he laid his head back down on Bakugou's lap, flipping back to his other side so he was facing the TV again.

As he did so, he caught sight of Kaminari from the corner of his eye, staring at them from the bottom of the stairs. His expression was blank, bar from the small downward curl of his lips, and as soon as he met eyes with Kirishima, he turned and bolted up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

Kirishima frowned, staring at the spot Kaminari had vanished from, before sighing and moving onto his back again to continue committing all of Bakugou's features to memory.

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