Chapter 12

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The first thought that crossed Kirishima's mind when he woke up, was that he must have died.

There is no way he actually has Bakugou naked in his bed right now, his neck littered with purple hickies and bruising love bites. There's no way Bakugou is laying there, head tucked under Kirishima's jaw, leg thrown over his waist, and arm wrapped around his torso.

He must have died and gone to heaven.

That, or he was having a super realistic dream, where he had no doubt he would murder anyone who tried to wake him.

Kirishima felt an enormous smile spread across his lips, as he stared down at the sleeping boy. His breath was coming in long steady drawls, the muscles in his back shifting minutely with each inhale, and the golden sunlight beaming through Kirishima's window bathed them in it's glow, making the sight just that little bit more ethereal.

Bakugou stirred then, his lips smacking softly as he shifted, the mess of silvery blonde hair lifting as he peered up at Kirishima.

Kirishima's grin grew even wider then, noticing that Bakugou's lips were still slightly swollen, his eyes half-lidded with sleep, and he tilted his head down, pressing a kiss to Bakugou's forehead.

"Good morning sleeping beauty!" Kirishima exclaimed cheerfully, and Bakugou cringed, bringing a hand up to shove over Kirishima's mouth.

Bakugou groaned, rolling so he was fully on top of the other boy, his head tucked into the crook of his neck.

"Are you always so fuckin loud in the mornings?"

Kirishima chuckled against Bakugou's hand, poking his tongue out and lapping at his palm. Bakugou immediately withdrew his hand, wiping the spit off on Kirishima's cheek before pulling away completely, only to sit up and straddle Kirishima's lap.

"So what the fuck did Pikachu do last night exactly?" Bakugou asked, his voice still heavy with sleep, hands splayed on Kirishima's chest as he watched him.

Kirishima sighed, bringing a hand up and scrubbing it over his face before pushing his fingers into his hair. He met eyes with Bakugou, and although the other boy was scowling, he seemed guarded.

He's worried, Kirishima realized suddenly.

Bakugou had his lower lip pulled between his teeth, his hair fanning over his eyes as he waited for a response.

"Uhh.. Well he told me he..." Kirishima began, feeling unbearably awkward as the memories flushed his mind, "He told me he's in love with me."

Bakugou stilled. His eyes were wide, and his back straightened, hands tightening on Kirishima's chest. His jaw set, and he grit his teeth, but before he could begin shouting, Kirishima moved a hand up, capturing one of Bakugou's in his own, rubbing a thumb over the smooth skin on the back of his hand.

"What else." Bakugou growled, his voice low and deadly.

Kirishima hesitated. He didn't want Bakugou to hurt Kaminari, but he also had a right to know. He was his partner now, honesty and communication are so important to keep it that way, and there was no way Kirishima was ever going to let Bakugou go.

So, he tightened his grip on Bakugou's hand, and met the other boys' eyes, trying to keep his voice steady.

"He kissed me."

Bakugou didn't react immediately. He stared at Kirishima for a moment, his eyes appearing to cloud over as he got lost in thought, before they snapped back to attention and he nodded tightly.

"I fuckin figured he did something like that," and when Kirishima gave him a questioning look, he huffed and continued, "Why the fuck else would you; the fuckin embodiment of sunshine; have been angry at the fuckin loser."

Kirishima laughed at that, and sat up, pulling Bakugou into a tight embrace. Bakugou was stiff for a couple seconds, before he relaxed into Kirishima's arms, wrapping his own around the other boys neck.

"You know it's you that I want, right Bakugou?" Kirishima asked, kissing the other boy gently on the throat, right on top of one of the dark marks he had left the night before.

Bakugou snorted, grabbing Kirishima by the shoulders and pinning him back down to the bed.

"No shit. I think you made that pretty fuckin clear last night," Bakugou sneered, a wicked grin spreading on his lips, "And now that you've had your dick in me, I think it's about time you call me Katsuki, don't you reckon?"

Kirishima grinned widely, his chest bubbling with pure ecstasy as he beamed up at the boy on top of him, "You'd better start calling me Eijirou then."

Bakugou snickered at that, leaning down to nip at his neck lightly.

"I already have."


When they got to class, Aizawa took one look at them and sighed, rolling his eyes before returning to marking papers.

Kirishima felt blood rush to his cheeks, and he glanced at Bakugou, but the other boy didn't seem to notice, his eyes were glued to Kaminari, who was laying with his head on his desk, where Mina was perched on the edge of his table and stroking his hair comfortingly.

Immediately, Bakugou began marching towards him, his fists clenched and his eyes narrowed into tight slits.

Kirishima quickly darted forward, grabbing onto Bakugou's shoulder and tugging him back, spinning him to face him. They stared at each other for a long moment, Kirishima pleading with his eyes for the other boy to stay calm, Bakugou's jaw set stubbornly.

"Please Katsuki..." Kirishima whispered softly, and Bakugou looked so frustrated by his words that Kirishima had to choke back a laugh.

After a few more seconds, Bakugou huffed and dragged himself over to his seat. Kirishima sighed in relief, feeling like he had just dodged a bullet, and went to his own seat.

Kaminari sat up then, glancing over his shoulder at Kirishima, his eyes immediately moving down to his neck, flickering over all of the marks. Kirishima fought the urge to cower back, or cover his neck, and instead just stared at his desk.

"The fuck are you staring at Drooly?!" Bakugou growled, his voice dripping with venom, and Kaminari immediately spun back around in his seat.

Mina frowned, her eyes lifting to meet with Bakugou's as she spoke, "Don't be mean Bakugou, they're friends!"

Kirishima sat up in alarm, his head snapping towards Bakugou, who was basically vibrating with anger now.

"Keep out of it Black Eyes, you don't know shit!" He spat, smoke wafting from his clenched fists, eyes still on Kaminari.

Mina opened her mouth to retort, but Kaminari shot a hand out, placing it on her arm and muttering something quietly to her. Mina let out a huff and sat back, folding her arms over her chest.

At that point, Aizawa stood up, moving into the middle of the room and calling the class to attention, ultimately ending any further confrontations for now.

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