Chapter 6

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The four of us waited until the signal, and when it was waved, neither of us moved. I leaned over and whispered in Kakashi's ear, "They're both extremely fast. You take Gui and I'll take Lee. If we need help, cluck twice." And I whispered the rest of the plan. He looked a bit doubtful, but that vanished when he saw the look in my eyes. He nodded and distracted Gui, leading him away from Lee.

Lee tried to go help Gui, but I got in his path. I let Lee run right beside me, letting him think he out smarted me. I heard the whispers again but paid no attention to them, remembering Kakashi is counting on me. Right when Lee's leg was an inch in front if me, I went down onto one hand and swung his let's out from under him. He fell right into Gui, sending them both tumbling backwards.

They quickly hopped up and ran at us head on. I grabbed Kakashi's shoulders and he took my right foot in his hands. I put my weight on his shoulders and hands and pushed off and kicked Lee in the chest and sent him out of the little ring we had made. I went off to the side with both feet and rebounded to also kick Gui out of the ring. I landed by Kakashi's side, in a stance.

I relaxed and took a step so I was standing normally. I smirked at the astonished looks from my classmates. 'Didn't think I could do that. bakas.'

I walked over to Lee and held my hand out. He took my hand gratefully and stood up. We both smiled at each other before walking over to our senseis'. They were talking about the spar and kept looking over at me. Lee and I shared a 'wth' look before shrugging and leaving p.e. to go to C Lunch.


end of school


It was the end of school and I was one of the last ones there. I felt like I was being watched and paused beside my motorcycle. I let my eyes wonder around me but didn't turn my head as not to look like I was looking around. I saw a flash of movement in the corner of my eye and watched the figure melt into the woods by the school. I caught the reflection of a missing-ninja headband as he left. I started the motorcycle and drove off to work.

I pulled into a Goody Goody parking lot and parked my bike in my spot. If ya didn't know, 'Goody Goody' is a wine store. They're all disguised as a wine store but they're really a ninja building in the back and underground. Going in, I flashed my pass to the guard by the entrance and he nodded, letting me in. I immediately went to Tsunade's office. Knocking, I heard a 'poof' then a come in by her. I walked in with my headband around my neck and bowed my head.

"I have important news." I said, lifting my head to look around. Four ANBU stood around the room with their hands beside their sides.

"What is it Katsuki?" Lady Hokage asked, noticing me look around.

I didn't look at her as I replied, "I saw a missing-nin by my school heading into the forest."

She looked surprised, "Oh?"

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