Chapter 13

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I blink hard.

I'm in the school gym. Elongated shadows extend across the grey floor; only they don't quite match the shape of the benches or the basketball hoop. Instead regimented columns of darkness stretch into the center of the room.

In place of the trademark gym smell of old feet and sweat – I smell the outdoors; lemon trees and dry grass.

Why is that?

"The place we met," says Valentine – his voice a low, amused growl as he stares at the bleachers, "You really can't keep me out of your mind, can you?"

I look up at his face – and a jolt of energy surges through my body as I meet his electric blue eyes. His lip curls upward – like he knows the effect he just had on me. I look away. I can't bare him looking at me like that. I can't let him see.

And I hate it. I hate him.

I hate that he's right.

No. He's not right.

He's doing this. He's the one breaking into my mind.

I bring my eyes back to his, defiant. I raise an eyebrow. "Tell me how to keep you out, and I will. You're the one doing this. Let's not pretend you're wanted here."

Warily I walk towards him. I have something to ask him. That's why I'm here, right?

He chuckles. It's a low, gruff noise, that gets right under my skin. I stop and fold my arms across my chest. "Something funny?"

He appears to study his stubbed fingernails a moment before he slowly looks up, catching my eyes again.

"I think you're the one pretending, Lila." He arches a thick black eyebrow. "You wanted to see me, did you not?"

Anger surges inside.

"Yes. But only because I need to know about the missing soul. The Furies are coming tonight – we're running out of time."

Is that why I'm here? I find I can't quite remember.

"Right. Sure."

He holds my gaze, and all the humor disappears from his face. The look in his eyes is so intense that I want to run, to flee – but I'm captivated by it. And then, in a sudden movement, he is inches away from me. My breath catches in my throat.

"What are you doing?" I whisper.

Behind him orange rays of sun curl around the stone columns; they cast a deep ember light onto his face and turn his eyes a fiery gold. A soft breeze encircles us.

Wait. What?

I blink hard. Look around.

The gym has dissolved. We're in a stone temple. I recognize it. It's the one I visited before - when I went into Valentine's sim; the one that represented his fears. My eyes dart around the space.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now