Chapter 48

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I tense

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I tense. Mino turns slowly, my box underneath his arm. Valentine takes a step forward to stand beside me – his arm brushing against my shoulder.

Across the road, Cupid's eyes don't move from mine. "So, you've decided to join my brother on his quest to end the world, have you, lovebug? Have to admit, I didn't see that one coming."

Cal and Crystal are tensed, bows raised, on either side of him. The rocky mountain behind shrouds them in shadow.

"You got your memories back," I say.

"Yeah. Kind of miss not having them, to be honest." Cupid's jaw sets as his eyes slide between me and Valentine again. "Turns out they're a little hard to stomach."

He glances at Cal out of the corner of his eye. His pale hair is uncharacteristically tussled, khaki bomber jacket covered in dirt. There are dark smudges beneath his silver eyes.

"Are you equally nauseated, brother?"  asks Cupid.

Cal's sharp jaw tenses. He says nothing. He doesn't look at me – just keeps his Ardor arrow pointed at Valentine.

"How did you get your memories –?" I stop speaking – remembering Mino laid back in his throne like chair in the camp – eyelids flickering. I look up at him. "You visited their mind's labyrinths," I say quietly.

A flicker of movement catches my eye as Cal's arrow hurtles towards Valentine's chest. A cool surge of adrenaline causes me to reach out. I catch it before it makes impact. Valentine smirks as I crumble it to ash beneath my fingers.

I glare at Cal – who won't meet my eyes. Abruptly, Mino puts his big hands on either side of my face – pulling my gaze to his.

"What are you -?"

To my side Valentine falls to his knees – a low guttural cry escaping his lips as a flurry of torture arrows hit his chest; his power from Valentine's Day evidently worn off.

I grasp at Mino's fingers – realizing his betrayal. His eyes bore into mine.

"Sleep," he says.

Panic and darkness swirls inside me. "No –"


My knees buckle beneath me.

Then black.


There's something soft beneath me when I open my eyes. Everything is blurry for a moment, then it comes into focus – a mantelpiece, a scratched mahogany coffee table, bookshelves lining the walls, and velvet crimson curtains blocking out the sun.

I'm in Cupid's living room.

I breathe in the musty scent of books, cologne, and coffee beans drifting in from the kitchen. It washes over me - peaceful.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now