Chapter 52

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Cupid grabs his tux jacket, I grab the ancient box from the breakfast bar, and the three of us hurry outside

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Cupid grabs his tux jacket, I grab the ancient box from the breakfast bar, and the three of us hurry outside.

The lamps around the grounds and pool are springing on now that darkness is falling, and puddles of soft glow add to the harsh light spilling from the glass front of Cupid's house. Cal powers down the driveway – hands in his pockets and head lowered against the wind. He's walking fast, already at the open black gates that lead onto Juliet Hill. Seeing as Cupid drove us to the beach the other day he clearly intends to walk to the school.

"Brother?" yells Cupid – pulling his car keys out of his pocket.

Cal doesn't turn, the brewing storm swallowing Cupid's words.

"Want me to run after him?" shouts Charlie.

Cupid turns to us, his bronzed hair ruffling in the wind, and gestures to his Aston Martin parked haphazardly between two ancient stone statues.

"We'll pick him up on the way," he says.

"Good," yells Charlie. She looks down at her feet. "Heels!"

The three of us rush to the car. The air is cold and static – it makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. Something is coming. Or someone.

I think of what Cupid and Cal told me about their father. Mars. God of War.

I look up defiantly. Then I place the box in the trunk of the car where Cupid has already piled a bunch of bows and arrows, including some dusted in Morpheus's sand from the Underworld, and get into the passenger seat beside Cupid. Charlie climbs into the back, smoothing her windswept hair.

Cal's hunched figure gets closer as Cupid drives us to the summit, his pale hair illuminated by the headlights. When we roll up beside him I slide down my window and Cal turns abruptly towards us, his cheeks flushed.

"Cal! Want a ride?" I ask.

He peers in at the three of us, all staring at him with grins on our faces despite the impending doom. He looks like he's about to protest. Then Cupid leans over me, the scent of his cologne flooding my nostrils.

"Get in the car, brother," Cupid says – a weary note of amusement lacing his tone.

Begrudgingly he does and ten minutes later we're pulling into the Forever Falls High parking lot. There are numerous cars already there, light spilling out from the open entrance doors where Chloe and a bunch of seniors from the hockey team are passing around a hip-flask.

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes – a weird energy in the car – each of us distracted by our own thoughts. I can feel Cupid's eyes on my profile, but I don't meet them. My thoughts are consumed by Valentine.

I wonder if he is already in there. I wonder how many cupids, and how many of the dead will be walking the school halls tonight. I wonder if we can stop the fight before it starts.

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now