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Eeeek here we are! I tried to fit in some of the things you asked for in the comments last chapter! Maybe we'll have a bonus chapter  with some more of your suggestions in the future! :) Hope you enjoy! Lauren xxx

The Love Shack is busier than I've ever seen it when we arrive

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The Love Shack is busier than I've ever seen it when we arrive. It's alive with noise, movement, and people. Pink lights flash over the mass of disheveled looking Forever Fall High students; some are dancing, others talking agitatedly to one another around the tall tables beneath the tacky beach umbrellas. Cupids are here too, dressed in their stiff white suits and talking casually to mortals. The air smells like spilled cocktails.

The seven of us stand huddled in the doorway.

"Woah," says Charlie – peering over mine and Cupid's shoulders.

Everyone looks worse for wear. Chloe is still in her pink evening gown from the dance and holds a glass full of ice to her black eye. She's talking expressively to her friend from the cheerleading squad whose dirty white shirt is torn at the sleeve, and who I'm pretty sure I saw in the Underworld earlier.

Jason, the dark-haired quarterback passes us by on his way to the dancefloor.

"Dude, you would not believe what happened!" he yells over the One Direction track blaring from the speakers. "I was DEAD in this creepy palace place!"

"You think that's weird?! You should have been at the dance, man," says his friend. "Everyone was making out and fighting and stuff. It was carnage!"

Cupid squeezes my hand and leans closer. "Looks like Jupiter fulfilled his end of the bargain." His words tickle my ear and I smile.

"Looks like we have some damage control to do. . ." says Crystal. There's a pained expression on her face at the realization that the secret paranormal world might not be quite so secret anymore. Cal shrugs stiffly, his white shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pink bruise forming on his cheekbone. One of his hands is still curled around hers.

"It could be worse," he says. "We can deal with that tomorrow,"

Crystal looks at him, blue eyes glinting. "Seriously, who are you and what have you done to Cal?!"

He turns his head bringing their faces close together, and smiles.

"If I'd known that all I had to do to stop you from being so uptight, brother, was to get you and Crystal together I'd have done it years ago," remarks Cupid with a smirk.

Cal's eyes flash in the fuchsia lighting.

"Shut up," he snaps.

"Aaaand he's back," says Cupid.

I laugh, provoking another steely glare from Cal, before he turns back to Crystal. Cupid kisses my forehead.

"Well," says Mino clapping his hands together. "I'm going to get drinks! Any of you other third-wheels want to join me?"

Psyche's Heart : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now